path: root/solidus_subscriptions.gemspec
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2017-06-09Support Rails 5.1John Hawthorn
2017-05-23Require a reqcent version of rspec-railsBrendan Deere
2017-05-23Fix dependency conflictsBrendan Deere
2017-01-06Spec against Solidus 2.0Brendan Deere
2016-10-17yarddocBrendan Deere
2016-09-22Add Timecop as development dependencyAlex Blackie
2016-09-22Merge pull request #39 from brendandeere/feature/subscribable_variantsBrendan Deere
2016-09-21add version cake dependencyBrendan Deere
2016-09-21Add rspec mocksBrendan Deere
2016-09-21Add Deface as dependencyAlex Blackie
2016-09-20Add CI to the projectBrendan Deere
2016-09-12Add I18n for messages intended for displayBrendan Deere
2016-08-31Add Rspec to the gemspecBrendan Deere
2016-08-30Add state_machines as a dependency to the gemBrendan Deere
2016-08-25Add Shoulda mathers and create a rails_helperBrendan Deere
2016-08-25add pry to gemspecBrendan Deere
2016-08-24initBrendan Deere