path: root/apps/tdspeed.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'apps/tdspeed.c')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 334 deletions
diff --git a/apps/tdspeed.c b/apps/tdspeed.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 697f617e16..0000000000
--- a/apps/tdspeed.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,334 +0,0 @@
- * Audio time domain speed scaling / time compression/stretch.
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2006 by Nicolas Pitre <>
- *
- * Modified by Stéphane Doyon to adapt to Rockbox
- * Copyright (C) 2006-2007 by Stéphane Doyon <>
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation.
- */
-#include <inttypes.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stddef.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include "system.h"
-#include "tdspeed.h"
-#define mylog(...)
-#define assert(...)
-#if 0
-#define assert(cond) \
- if(!(cond)) { \
- badlog("Assertion failed in %s at line %d: %s\n", \
- __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, #cond); \
- }
-#define MIN_RATE 8000
-#define MAX_RATE 48000 /* double buffer for double rate */
-#define MIN_FACTOR 35
-#define MAX_FACTOR 250
-//#define FIXED_BUFSIZE 3072 /* 48KHz factor 3.0 */
-#define FIXED_BUFSIZE 3524 /* worse seen, not sure how to calc */
-struct tdspeed_state_s {
- bool stereo;
- int shift_max; /* maximum displacement on a frame */
- int src_step; /* source window pace */
- int dst_step; /* destination window pace */
- int dst_order; /* power of two for dst_step */
- int ovl_shift; /* overlap buffer frame shift */
- int ovl_size; /* overlap buffer used size */
- int ovl_space; /* overlap buffer size */
- int32_t *ovl_buff[2]; /* overlap buffer */
-static struct tdspeed_state_s tdspeed_state;
-static int32_t overlap_buffer[2][FIXED_BUFSIZE];
-static int32_t outbuf[2][TDSPEED_OUTBUFSIZE];
-bool tdspeed_init(int samplerate, bool stereo, int factor)
- struct tdspeed_state_s *st = &tdspeed_state;
- int src_frame_sz;
- if(factor == 100)
- return false;
- if (samplerate < MIN_RATE || samplerate > MAX_RATE)
- return false;
- if(factor <MIN_FACTOR || factor > MAX_FACTOR)
- return false;
- st->stereo = !!stereo;
-#define MINFREQ 100
- st->dst_step = samplerate / MINFREQ;
- if (factor > 100)
- st->dst_step = st->dst_step *100 /factor;
- st->dst_order = 1;
- while (st->dst_step >>= 1)
- st->dst_order++;
- st->dst_step = (1 << st->dst_order);
- st->src_step = st->dst_step * factor /100;
- st->shift_max = (st->dst_step > st->src_step) ? st->dst_step : st->src_step;
- src_frame_sz = st->shift_max + st->dst_step;
- if (st->dst_step > st->src_step)
- src_frame_sz += st->dst_step - st->src_step;
- st->ovl_space = ((src_frame_sz - 2)/st->src_step) * st->src_step
- + src_frame_sz;
- if (st->src_step > st->dst_step)
- st->ovl_space += 2*st->src_step - st->dst_step;
- mylog(
- "shift_max %d, src_step %d, dst_step %d, dst_order %d, src_frame_sz %d, ovl_space %d\n",
- st->shift_max, st->src_step, st->dst_step, st->dst_order, src_frame_sz, st->ovl_space);
- assert(st->ovl_space <= FIXED_BUFSIZE);
- st->ovl_size = 0;
- st->ovl_shift = 0;
- st->ovl_buff[0] = overlap_buffer[0];
- if(stereo)
- st->ovl_buff[1] = overlap_buffer[1];
- else st->ovl_buff[1] = st->ovl_buff[0];
- return true;
-int tdspeed_apply(int32_t *buf_out[2], int32_t *buf_in[2], int data_len,
- int last, int out_size)
-/* data_len in samples */
- struct tdspeed_state_s *st = &tdspeed_state;
- int32_t *curr, *prev, *dest[2], *d;
- int i, j, next_frame, prev_frame, shift, src_frame_sz;
- bool stereo = buf_in[0] != buf_in[1];
- assert(stereo == st->stereo);
- src_frame_sz = st->shift_max + st->dst_step;
- if (st->dst_step > st->src_step)
- src_frame_sz += st->dst_step - st->src_step;
- /* deal with overlap data first, if any */
- if (st->ovl_size) {
- int have, copy, steps;
- have = st->ovl_size;
- if (st->ovl_shift > 0)
- have -= st->ovl_shift;
- /* append just enough data to have all of the overlap buffer consumed*/
- steps = (have - 1) / st->src_step;
- copy = steps * st->src_step + src_frame_sz - have;
- if (copy < src_frame_sz - st->dst_step)
- copy += st->src_step; /* one more step to allow for pregap data */
- if (copy > data_len) copy = data_len;
- assert(st->ovl_size +copy <= FIXED_BUFSIZE);
- memcpy(st->ovl_buff[0] + st->ovl_size, buf_in[0],
- copy * sizeof(int32_t));
- if(stereo)
- memcpy(st->ovl_buff[1] + st->ovl_size, buf_in[1],
- copy * sizeof(int32_t));
- if (!last && have + copy < src_frame_sz) {
- /* still not enough to process at least one frame */
- st->ovl_size += copy;
- return 0;
- }
- /* recursively call ourselves to process the overlap buffer */
- have = st->ovl_size;
- st->ovl_size = 0;
- if (copy == data_len) {
- assert( (have+copy) <= FIXED_BUFSIZE);
- return tdspeed_apply(buf_out, st->ovl_buff, have+copy, last,
- out_size);
- }
- assert( (have+copy) <= FIXED_BUFSIZE);
- i = tdspeed_apply(buf_out, st->ovl_buff, have+copy, -1, out_size);
- dest[0] = buf_out[0] + i;
- dest[1] = buf_out[1] + i;
- /* readjust pointers to account for data already consumed */
- next_frame = copy - src_frame_sz + st->src_step;
- prev_frame = next_frame - st->ovl_shift;
- } else {
- dest[0] = buf_out[0];
- dest[1] = buf_out[1];
- next_frame = prev_frame = 0;
- if (st->ovl_shift > 0)
- next_frame += st->ovl_shift;
- else
- prev_frame += -st->ovl_shift;
- }
- st->ovl_shift = 0;
- /* process all complete frames */
- while (data_len -next_frame >= src_frame_sz) {
- /* find frame overlap by autocorelation */
- long long min_delta = ~(1ll << 63); /* most positive */
- shift = 0;
-#define INC1 8
-#define INC2 32
- /* Power of 2 of a 28bit number requires 56bits, can accumulate
- 256times in a 64bit variable. */
- assert(st->dst_step /INC2 <= 256);
- assert(next_frame+st->shift_max-1 +st->dst_step-1 < data_len);
- assert(prev_frame +st->dst_step-1 < data_len);
- for (i = 0; i < st->shift_max; i += INC1) {
- long long delta = 0;
- curr = buf_in[0] +next_frame + i;
- prev = buf_in[0] +prev_frame;
- for (j = 0; j < st->dst_step;
- j += INC2, curr += INC2, prev += INC2) {
- int32_t diff = *curr - *prev;
- delta += (long long)diff * diff;
- if (delta >= min_delta)
- goto skip;
- }
- if(stereo) {
- curr = buf_in[1] +next_frame + i;
- prev = buf_in[1] +prev_frame;
- for (j = 0; j < st->dst_step;
- j += INC2, curr += INC2, prev += INC2) {
- int32_t diff = *curr - *prev;
- delta += (long long)diff * diff;
- if (delta >= min_delta)
- goto skip;
- }
- }
- min_delta = delta;
- shift = i;
- skip:;
- }
- /* overlap fading-out previous frame with fading-in current frame */
- curr = buf_in[0] +next_frame + shift;
- prev = buf_in[0] +prev_frame;
- d = dest[0];
- assert(next_frame+shift +st->dst_step-1 < data_len);
- assert(prev_frame +st->dst_step-1 < data_len);
- assert(dest[0]-buf_out[0] +st->dst_step-1 < out_size);
- for (i = 0, j = st->dst_step; j; i++, j--) {
- *d++ = (*curr++ * (long long)i
- + *prev++ * (long long)j) >> st->dst_order;
- }
- dest[0] = d;
- if(stereo) {
- curr = buf_in[1] +next_frame + shift;
- prev = buf_in[1] +prev_frame;
- d = dest[1];
- for (i = 0, j = st->dst_step; j; i++, j--) {
- assert(d < buf_out[1] +out_size);
- *d++ = (*curr++ * (long long)i
- + *prev++ * (long long)j) >> st->dst_order;
- }
- dest[1] = d;
- }
- /* adjust pointers for next frame */
- prev_frame = next_frame + shift + st->dst_step;
- //assert(prev_frame == curr[0] -buf_in[0]);
- next_frame += st->src_step;
- /* here next_frame - prev_frame = src_step - dst_step - shift */
- assert(next_frame - prev_frame == st->src_step - st->dst_step - shift);
- }
- /* now deal with remaining partial frames */
- if (last == -1) {
- /* special overlap buffer processing: remember frame shift only */
- st->ovl_shift = next_frame - prev_frame;
- } else if (last != 0) {
- /* last call: purge all remaining data to output buffer */
- i = data_len -prev_frame;
- assert(dest[0] +i <= buf_out[0] +out_size);
- memcpy(dest[0], buf_in[0] +prev_frame, i * sizeof(int32_t));
- dest[0] += i;
- if(stereo) {
- assert(dest[1] +i <= buf_out[1] +out_size);
- memcpy(dest[1], buf_in[1] +prev_frame, i * sizeof(int32_t));
- dest[1] += i;
- }
- } else {
- /* preserve remaining data + needed overlap data for next call */
- st->ovl_shift = next_frame - prev_frame;
- i = (st->ovl_shift < 0) ? next_frame : prev_frame;
- st->ovl_size = data_len - i;
- assert(st->ovl_size <= FIXED_BUFSIZE);
- memcpy(st->ovl_buff[0], buf_in[0]+i, st->ovl_size * sizeof(int32_t));
- if(stereo)
- memcpy(st->ovl_buff[1], buf_in[1]+i, st->ovl_size * sizeof(int32_t));
- }
- return dest[0] - buf_out[0];
-#if 0
-static int tdspeed_next_required_space(int data_len, int last)
- struct tdspeed_state_s *st = &tdspeed_state;
- int src_frame_sz, src_size, nb_frames, dst_space;
- src_frame_sz = st->shift_max + st->dst_step;
- if (st->dst_step > st->src_step)
- src_frame_sz += st->dst_step - st->src_step;
- src_size = data_len + st->ovl_size;
- if (st->ovl_shift > 0)
- src_size -= st->ovl_shift;
- if (src_size < src_frame_sz) {
- if (!last)
- return 0;
- dst_space = data_len + st->ovl_size;
- if (st->ovl_shift < 0)
- dst_space += st->ovl_shift;
- } else {
- nb_frames = (src_size - src_frame_sz) / st->src_step + 1;
- dst_space = nb_frames * st->dst_step;
- if (last) {
- dst_space += src_size - nb_frames * st->src_step;
- dst_space += st->src_step - st->dst_step;
- }
- }
- return dst_space;
-long tdspeed_est_output_size(long size)
- //int _size = size;
-#if 0
- size = tdspeed_next_required_space(size, false);
- mylog("tdspeed_est_output_size of %d -> %d\n", _size, size);
- return size;
-long tdspeed_est_input_size(long size)
- struct tdspeed_state_s *st = &tdspeed_state;
- //int _size = size;
- size = (size -st->ovl_size) *st->src_step /st->dst_step;
- if(size <0)
- size = 0;
- else size = size;
- mylog("tdspeed_est_input_size of %d -> %d\n", _size, size);
- return size;
-int tdspeed_doit(int32_t *src[], int count)
- mylog("tdspeed_doit %d\n", count);
- count = tdspeed_apply( (int32_t *[2]) { outbuf[0], outbuf[1] },
- src, count, 0, TDSPEED_OUTBUFSIZE);
- src[0] = outbuf[0];
- src[1] = outbuf[1];
- return count;