path: root/apps/plugins/lua/include_lua/draw.lua
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Diffstat (limited to 'apps/plugins/lua/include_lua/draw.lua')
1 files changed, 9 insertions, 207 deletions
diff --git a/apps/plugins/lua/include_lua/draw.lua b/apps/plugins/lua/include_lua/draw.lua
index 0ee3e93d75..7208b63efb 100644
--- a/apps/plugins/lua/include_lua/draw.lua
+++ b/apps/plugins/lua/include_lua/draw.lua
@@ -29,7 +29,6 @@
- _draw.flood_fill
@@ -39,7 +38,6 @@
- _draw.text
@@ -56,21 +54,17 @@ local _draw = {} do
setmetatable(_draw, rocklib_image)
-- Internal Constants
- local _LCD = rb.lcd_framebuffer()
- local LCD_W, LCD_H = rb.LCD_WIDTH, rb.LCD_HEIGHT
local BSAND = 8 -- blits color to dst if src <> 0
local _NIL = nil -- nil placeholder
- local _abs = math.abs
local _clear = rocklib_image.clear
local _copy = rocklib_image.copy
local _ellipse = rocklib_image.ellipse
local _get = rocklib_image.get
local _line = rocklib_image.line
- local _marshal = rocklib_image.marshal
local _min = math.min
local _newimg = rb.new_image
- local _points = rocklib_image.points
-- line
_draw.line = function(img, x1, y1, x2, y2, color, bClip)
@@ -87,33 +81,22 @@ local _draw = {} do
_line(img, x, y, _NIL, y + length, color, bClip)
- -- draws a non-filled figure based on points in t-points
- local function polyline(img, x, y, t_points, color, bClosed, bClip)
- if #t_points < 2 then error("not enough points", 3) end
- local pt_first_last
- if bClosed then
- pt_first_last = t_points[1]
- else
- pt_first_last = t_points[#t_points]
- end
- for i = 1, #t_points, 1 do
- local pt1 = t_points[i]
- local pt2 = t_points[i + 1] or pt_first_last-- first and last point
+ -- draws a non-filled rect based on points in t-points
+ local function polyrect(img, x, y, t_points, color, bClip)
+ local pt_first_last = t_points[1]
+ local pt1, pt2
+ for i = 1, 4, 1 do
+ pt1 = t_points[i]
+ pt2 = t_points[i + 1] or pt_first_last-- first and last point
_line(img, pt1[1] + x, pt1[2] + y, pt2[1] + x, pt2[2] + y, color, bClip)
-- rectangle
local function rect(img, x, y, width, height, color, bClip)
if width == 0 or height == 0 then return end
- polyline(img, x, y, {{0, 0}, {width, 0}, {width, height}, {0, height}}, color, true, bClip)
+ polyrect(img, x, y, {{0, 0}, {width, 0}, {width, height}, {0, height}}, color, bClip)
@@ -240,190 +223,9 @@ local _draw = {} do
_copy(dst, src, x, y, 1, 1, _NIL, _NIL, bClip)
- -- floods an area of targetclr with fillclr x, y specifies the start seed
- _draw.flood_fill = function(img, x, y, targetclr, fillclr)
- -- scanline 4-way flood algorithm
- -- ^
- -- <--------x--->
- -- v
- -- check that target color doesn't = fill and the first point is target color
- if targetclr == fillclr or targetclr ~= _get(img, x, y, true) then return end
- local max_w = img:width()
- local max_h = img:height()
- local qpt = {} -- FIFO queue
- -- rather than moving elements around in our FIFO queue
- -- for each read; increment 'qhead' by 2
- -- set both elements to nil and let the
- -- garbage collector worry about it
- -- for each write; increment 'qtail' by 2
- -- x coordinates are in odd indices while
- -- y coordinates are in even indices
- local qtail = 0
- local function check_ns(val, x, y)
- if targetclr == val then
- y = y - 1
- if targetclr == _get(img, x, y, true) then -- north
- qtail = qtail + 2
- qpt[qtail - 1] = x
- qpt[qtail] = y
- end
- y = y + 2
- if targetclr == _get(img, x, y, true) then -- south
- qtail = qtail + 2
- qpt[qtail - 1] = x
- qpt[qtail] = y
- end
- return fillclr
- end
- return _NIL -- signal marshal to stop
- end
- local function seed_pt(x, y)
- -- should never hit max but make sure not to end early
- for qhead = 2, 0x40000000, 2 do
- if targetclr == _get(img, x, y, true) then
- _marshal(img, x, y, 1, y, _NIL, _NIL, true, check_ns) -- west
- _marshal(img, x + 1, y, max_w, y, _NIL, _NIL, true, check_ns) -- east
- end
- x = qpt[qhead - 1]
- qpt[qhead - 1] = _NIL
- if not x then break end
- y = qpt[qhead]
- qpt[qhead] = _NIL
- end
- end
- seed_pt(x, y) -- Begin
- end -- flood_fill
- -- draws a closed figure based on points in t_points
- _draw.polygon = function(img, x, y, t_points, color, fillcolor, bClip)
- if #t_points < 2 then error("not enough points", 3) end
- if fillcolor then
- local x_min, x_max = 0, 0
- local y_min, y_max = 0, 0
- local w, h = 0, 0
- -- find boundries of polygon
- for i = 1, #t_points, 1 do
- local pt = t_points[i]
- if pt[1] < x_min then x_min = pt[1] end
- if pt[1] > x_max then x_max = pt[1] end
- if pt[2] < y_min then y_min = pt[2] end
- if pt[2] > y_max then y_max = pt[2] end
- end
- w = _abs(x_max) + _abs(x_min)
- h = _abs(y_max) + _abs(y_min)
- x_min = x_min - 2 -- leave a border to use flood_fill
- y_min = y_min - 2
- local fill_img = _newimg(w + 3, h + 3)
- _clear(fill_img, 0x1)
- for i = 1, #t_points, 1 do
- local pt1 = t_points[i]
- local pt2 = t_points[i + 1] or t_points[1]-- first and last point
- _line(fill_img, pt1[1] - x_min, pt1[2] - y_min,
- pt2[1]- x_min, pt2[2] - y_min, 0)
- end
- _draw.flood_fill(fill_img, fill_img:width(), fill_img:height() , 0x1, 0x0)
- _copy(img, fill_img, x - 1, y - 1, _NIL, _NIL, _NIL, _NIL, bClip, BSAND, fillcolor)
- end
- polyline(img, x, y, t_points, color, true, bClip)
- end
- -- draw text onto image if width/height are supplied text is centered
- _draw.text = function(img, x, y, width, height, font, color, text)
- font = font or rb.FONT_UI
- local opts = {x = 0, y = 0, width = LCD_W - 1, height = LCD_H - 1,
- font = font, drawmode = 3, fg_pattern = 0x1, bg_pattern = 0}
- if rb.LCD_DEPTH == 2 then -- invert 2-bit screens
- --vp.drawmode = bit.bxor(vp.drawmode, 4)
- opts.fg_pattern = 3 - opts.fg_pattern
- opts.bg_pattern = 3 - opts.bg_pattern
- end
- rb.set_viewport(opts)
- local res, w, h = rb.font_getstringsize(text, font)
- if not width then
- width = 0
- else
- width = (width - w) / 2
- end
- if not height then
- height = 0
- else
- height = (height - h) / 2
- end
- -- make a copy of the current screen for later
- local screen_img = _newimg(LCD_W, LCD_H)
- _copy(screen_img, _LCD)
- -- check if the screen buffer is supplied image if so set img to the copy
- if img == _LCD then
- img = screen_img
- end
- -- we will be printing the text to the screen then blitting into img
- rb.lcd_clear_display()
- if w > LCD_W then -- text is too long for the screen do it in chunks
- local l = 1
- local resp, wp, hp
- local lenr = text:len()
- while lenr > 1 do
- l = lenr
- resp, wp, hp = rb.font_getstringsize(text:sub(1, l), font)
- while wp >= LCD_W and l > 1 do
- l = l - 1
- resp, wp, hp = rb.font_getstringsize(text:sub( 1, l), font)
- end
- rb.lcd_putsxy(0, 0, text:sub(1, l))
- text = text:sub(l)
- if x + width > img:width() or y + height > img:height() then
- break
- end
- -- using the mask we made blit color into img
- _copy(img, _LCD, x + width, y + height, _NIL, _NIL, _NIL, _NIL, false, BSAND, color)
- x = x + wp
- rb.lcd_clear_display()
- lenr = text:len()
- end
- else --w <= LCD_W
- rb.lcd_putsxy(0, 0, text)
- -- using the mask we made blit color into img
- _copy(img, _LCD, x + width, y + height, _NIL, _NIL, _NIL, _NIL, false, BSAND, color)
- end
- _copy(_LCD, screen_img) -- restore screen
- rb.set_viewport() -- set viewport default
- return res, w, h
- end
-- expose internal functions to the outside through _draw table
_draw.hline = hline
_draw.vline = vline
- _draw.polyline = polyline
_draw.rect = rect
_draw.rounded_rect = rounded_rect
end -- _draw functions