AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2023-06-07Add script to sync family folderHEADmasterNick Van Doorn
2023-06-07Update sync scripts to use updated pathNick Van Doorn
2023-06-07Enable ZED email notificationsNick Van Doorn
2023-06-07Configure mail sendingNick Van Doorn
2023-06-07Add comments to cron jobsNick Van Doorn
2023-06-07Tighte up firewall rulesNick Van Doorn
This got a bit out of hand so I cleaned it up
2023-05-31Add a questionable Deemix nix derivationNick Van Doorn
2023-05-31Remove nodejs.nixNick Van Doorn
Nix ships the Node we need now
2023-05-31Include SSH key in rsync scriptsNick Van Doorn
2023-05-31Improve user and group modelingNick Van Doorn
Prior to this change, users could change a lot of files they really should not be able to. We solve this by removing myself from the media group, and removing plex and jellyfin from the media group, as they should never need to write anything.
2023-05-31Set UMask on Deemix serviceNick Van Doorn
2023-05-31Remove NFS sharesNick Van Doorn
Not using this at all right now.
2023-05-31Remap SMB/AFP shares for new file systemNick Van Doorn
New RAIDZ is installed! The SMB/AFP shares should point here instead.
2023-05-31Add dos2unixNick Van Doorn
Need this to fix some files generated on Windows using sed
2023-05-31Add hardware debug toolsNick Van Doorn
Been making lots of hardware changes like RAM so it' useful to make sure it's running at the right speed.
2023-05-31Bump network interface addressNick Van Doorn
This got bumped when I installed a PCIe SATA card in this server.
2023-05-31Add ZFS supportNick Van Doorn
Time for an upgrade
2023-03-16Disable password SSH and root accountNick Van Doorn
2023-03-16Add adguard homeNick Van Doorn
it seems ok
2023-03-16Use baseline JPEGs instead of BMP images for rockboxNick Van Doorn
We can just one file if the JPEG is not progressive, aka baseline
2023-03-03Remove unused scriptNick Van Doorn
2023-03-03Add cgit nix fileNick Van Doorn
2023-03-03Add convert art scriptNick Van Doorn
2023-03-03Update scriptsNick Van Doorn
2023-03-03Update to domain nameNick Van Doorn
2023-03-03Remove hardware config fileNick Van Doorn
It's not that useful so pce
2023-03-03Update for new NixOS installNick Van Doorn
2022-07-04Add sync scriptsNicholas Van Doorn
2022-07-04Initial commitNicholas Van Doorn