diff options
authorNick Van Doorn <>2018-10-09 00:22:24 -0700
committerNick Van Doorn <>2018-10-09 00:22:24 -0700
commit6c12e5a2ce63e3f741057a0affb8b3a79d3adae5 (patch)
parent1e851e014c8b71d3d14e5f1770b5207521e6b52a (diff)
Implement first batch of slides
2 files changed, 262 insertions, 37 deletions
diff --git a/presentation/src/demos b/presentation/src/demos
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..55c45e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/presentation/src/demos
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+/Users/nick/Documents/js-can-do-anything/demos \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/presentation/src/presentation.js b/presentation/src/presentation.js
index 2af5a0d..fb5981a 100644
--- a/presentation/src/presentation.js
+++ b/presentation/src/presentation.js
@@ -7,26 +7,45 @@ import {
- ListItem,
+ ListItem as SListItem,
- CodePane
+ CodePane,
+ Image,
+ Fit,
+ Layout,
+ Link
} from 'spectacle'
// Import theme
import createTheme from 'spectacle/lib/themes/default'
+import jsIntro from './images/intro.gif'
+import me from './images/me.jpg'
+import moth from './images/moth.jpg'
+import ie from './images/ie.png'
+import guy from './images/guy.png'
+import es5Class from './demos/1-es5-class.example.js'
+import es6Class from './demos/2-es6-class.example.js'
+import varLetConst from './demos/3-var-let-const.example.js'
+import anonCallbacks from './demos/4-anonymous-functions-callbacks.example.js'
+import syncAsync from './demos/5-sync-async.example.js'
+import callbackHell from './demos/6-callback-hell.example.js'
+import promiseExample from './demos/7-promises.example.js'
// Require CSS
const theme = createTheme(
- primary: 'white',
- secondary: '#1F2022',
- tertiary: '#03A9FC',
- quartenary: '#CECECE'
+ primary: '#03A9FC',
+ secondary: '#FFFFFF',
+ panic: '#e54b4b'
primary: 'Montserrat',
@@ -34,60 +53,265 @@ const theme = createTheme(
+const ListItem = p => <SListItem margin="0 0 20px 0" textSize="1.2em" {...p} />
export default class Presentation extends React.Component {
render() {
- console.log(introCode)
return (
- transition={['zoom', 'slide']}
+ transition={['slide']}
+ contentHeight={1000}
- <Slide transition={['zoom']} bgColor="tertiary">
- <Heading size={1} fit lineHeight={1} textColor="primary">
+ <Slide
+ bgImage={jsIntro}
+ bgSize="contain"
+ bgRepeat="no-repeat"
+ bgDarken={0.5}
+ >
+ <Heading size={1} fit lineHeight={1}>
JavaScript: You Can Do Anything
- <Slide transition={['fade']} bgColor="tertiary">
- <Heading size={6} textColor="primary" caps>
- Typography
+ <Slide>
+ <Heading size={1}>Me</Heading>
+ <Image src={me} alt="Me" width="300px" />
+ <List>
+ <ListItem></ListItem>
+ <ListItem></ListItem>
+ <ListItem></ListItem>
+ </List>
+ </Slide>
+ <Slide>
+ <Image src={moth} alt="Moths use PHP" />
+ </Slide>
+ <Slide>
+ <Heading size={1} fit lineHeight={1}>
+ JavaScript has a killer feature...
- <Heading size={1} textColor="secondary">
- Heading 1
+ </Slide>
+ <Slide>
+ <Heading size={1} fit lineHeight={1}>
+ You can do anything 🕶
- <Heading size={2} textColor="secondary">
- Heading 2
+ </Slide>
+ <Slide>
+ <Heading size={1} fit lineHeight={1}>
+ JavaScript also has a killer bug...
- <Heading size={3} textColor="secondary">
- Heading 3
+ </Slide>
+ <Slide bgColor="panic">
+ <Heading size={1} fit lineHeight={1}>
+ You can do anything 🍝
- <Heading size={4} textColor="secondary">
- Heading 4
+ </Slide>
+ <Slide>
+ <Heading size={1} fit lineHeight={1}>
+ What Makes JavaScript so Weird?
- <Heading size={5} textColor="secondary">
- Heading 5
+ <List>
+ <ListItem>
+ Asynchronous: things don't always happen in the order they appear
+ </ListItem>
+ <ListItem>3+ versions co-existing in the wild</ListItem>
+ <ListItem>Strong association with HTML</ListItem>
+ <ListItem>No convenient way to split up your code</ListItem>
+ <ListItem>Your user might be using Internet Explorer</ListItem>
+ <ListItem>
+ Feature overlap (JavaScript has 6 ways to write a function)
+ </ListItem>
+ <ListItem>
+ If we change the language, we can't break the SpaceJam website
+ </ListItem>
+ <ListItem>Tools and ecosystem can be really daunting</ListItem>
+ </List>
+ </Slide>
+ <Slide>
+ <Heading size={1} fit lineHeight={1}>
+ What Makes JavaScript so Practical?
- <Text size={6} textColor="secondary">
- Standard text
+ <List>
+ <ListItem margin="20px 0">
+ You can run it anywhere and target all platforms simultaneously*
+ </ListItem>
+ <ListItem>
+ Huge amount of open source libraries and frameworks available and
+ ready to use*
+ </ListItem>
+ <ListItem>
+ Excellent knowledge base and support from other developers
+ </ListItem>
+ <ListItem>
+ Convenient language features (if you can decide which to use)
+ </ListItem>
+ </List>
+ <Text textAlign="left" textSize="24px">
+ * this is a really big deal
- <Slide transition={['fade']} bgColor="primary" textColor="tertiary">
- <Heading size={6} textColor="secondary" caps>
- Standard List
+ <Slide>
+ <Heading size={1} fit lineHeight={1}>
+ 1. Runtime Environment and Language Spec
+ <Image src={ie} width="100px" alt="The Original Villian" />
+ </Heading>
+ </Slide>
+ <Slide>
+ <Heading size={4} lineHeight={2}>
+ ES (ECMAScript) 5
+ </Heading>
+ <CodePane lang="javascript" source={es5Class} />
+ <Heading size={6} lineHeight={2}>
+ ES2015 (6)
+ </Heading>
+ <CodePane lang="javascript" source={es6Class} />
+ </Slide>
+ <Slide>
+ <Heading size={6} lineHeight={1}>
+ var, let, const
+ </Heading>
+ <CodePane lang="javascript" source={varLetConst} />
+ </Slide>
+ <Slide>
+ <Heading size={1} lineHeight={1}>
+ In Summary...
- <ListItem>Item 1</ListItem>
- <ListItem>Item 2</ListItem>
- <ListItem>Item 3</ListItem>
- <ListItem>Item 4</ListItem>
+ <ListItem>ES2015 is a game changer</ListItem>
+ <ListItem>
+ Favour documentation and reference material that is new and uses
+ ES2015
+ </ListItem>
+ <ListItem>
+ Be mindful of where your code is running (it might be Internet
+ Explorer 10)
+ </ListItem>
+ <ListItem>Be mindful of feature compatibility</ListItem>
- <Slide transition={['fade']} bgColor="secondary" textColor="primary">
- <BlockQuote>
- <Quote>Example Quote</Quote>
- <Cite>Author</Cite>
- </BlockQuote>
+ <Slide>
+ <Heading size={1} fit lineHeight={1}>
+ 2. Async and Event Handling
+ </Heading>
+ </Slide>
+ <Slide>
+ <Heading size={6} lineHeight={1}>
+ Anonymous Functions and Callbacks
+ </Heading>
+ <CodePane lang="javascript" source={anonCallbacks} />
+ </Slide>
+ <Slide>
+ <Heading size={6} lineHeight={1}>
+ Synchronous vs Asynchronous
+ </Heading>
+ <CodePane lang="javascript" source={syncAsync} />
+ </Slide>
+ <Slide>
+ <Heading size={6} lineHeight={1}>
+ Are Callbacks Sufficient?
+ </Heading>
+ <CodePane lang="javascript" source={callbackHell} />
+ </Slide>
+ <Slide bgColor="panic">
+ <Heading size={1} lineHeight={1}>
+ Not really 🍝
+ </Heading>
+ </Slide>
+ <Slide>
+ <Heading size={6} lineHeight={1}>
+ Promises Can Help
+ </Heading>
+ <CodePane lang="javascript" source={promiseExample} />
+ </Slide>
+ <Slide>
+ <Heading size={1} fit lineHeight={1}>
+ 3. Interacting With the Page: The DOM API
+ </Heading>
+ </Slide>
+ <Slide>
+ <Heading size={1} fit lineHeight={1}>
+ 4. Organizing Your Code
+ </Heading>
+ </Slide>
+ <Slide>
+ <Heading size={1} fit lineHeight={1}>
+ 5. Tools To Make All This "Easier™"
+ </Heading>
+ </Slide>
+ <Slide>
+ <Heading size={1} fit lineHeight={1}>
+ Transpilers (Compilers)
+ </Heading>
+ <List>
+ <ListItem>
+ Transform newer versions of JavaScript into older versions
+ (usually ES2015 -> ES5)
+ </ListItem>
+ <ListItem>
+ Generally used to support new JavaScript features on older
+ browsers
+ </ListItem>
+ <ListItem>
+ Running a compiler on your code catches many errors that would
+ otherwise happen at runtime
+ </ListItem>
+ <ListItem>Babel is by far the most popular JS transpiler</ListItem>
+ </List>
+ <Image src={guy} alt="Babel likes Guy Fieri" height="300px" />
+ </Slide>
+ <Slide>
+ <Heading size={1} fit lineHeight={1}>
+ Bundlers
+ </Heading>
+ <List>
+ <ListItem>
+ On larger projects, putting all the source files together into one
+ app is challenging (which files load first, which files depend on
+ each other?)
+ </ListItem>
+ <ListItem>
+ ES modules offer an elegant solution for this, but they are not
+ well supported
+ </ListItem>
+ <ListItem>
+ Bundlers fill in this gap by supporting ES modules today
+ </ListItem>
+ <ListItem>
+ webpack and Parcel are the most popular bundlers
+ </ListItem>
+ </List>
+ </Slide>
+ <Slide>
+ <Heading size={1} fit lineHeight={1}>
+ Linters and Formatters
+ </Heading>
+ <List>
+ <ListItem>
+ Linters help you catch bugs ahead of time (e.g all errors must be
+ handled) and can also enforce specific rules (e.g no console.log
+ in production)
+ </ListItem>
+ <ListItem>
+ ESLint is the most popular JavaScript linter (other linters like
+ JSCS have been merged into ESLint)
+ </ListItem>
+ <ListItem>
+ Formatters mean you never have to worry about indentation again
+ </ListItem>
+ <ListItem>
+ Prettier and clang-format are both great if you have time to set
+ them up to your liking
+ </ListItem>
+ </List>
+ </Slide>
+ <Slide>
+ <Heading size={1} lineHeight={1}>
+ Projects
+ </Heading>
+ <Link href="">
+ Get the code here
+ </Link>