AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2020-05-29lolHEADmasterNicholas Van Doorn
2017-07-05Use xs margin on iconNick Van Doorn
2017-07-05Update import order so css stays together in buildNick Van Doorn
2017-07-05Adjust logo size and btn heightNick Van Doorn
2017-07-03Reduce xs button widthNick Van Doorn
2017-07-03Calculate offset as seperate variableNick Van Doorn
2017-07-03Minify css in productionNick Van Doorn
2017-07-03Normalize heading marginsNick Van Doorn
2017-07-03Adjust global css variablesNick Van Doorn
Some new variables in here for round buttons and other classes to use as mixins
2017-07-03Set font-sizeNick Van Doorn
2017-07-03Use demo component and add descriptionNick Van Doorn
Some other refactoring here as well: wrap button in function to add classes and FA, and update to use new logo component. There is also now a margin around the FA icons in the buttons
2017-07-03Implement demo componentNick Van Doorn
Screenshot moved into its own component such that we can place a button over the image
2017-07-03Add tagline to logoNick Van Doorn
2017-07-03Refactor button into multiple typesNick Van Doorn
Refactor support rectangular button and round button
2017-07-03Re-export layout from indexNick Van Doorn
2017-07-03Implement layout composed of other componentsNick Van Doorn
2017-07-03Implement logoNick Van Doorn
2017-07-03Implement basic footerNick Van Doorn
2017-07-03Implement basic buttonNick Van Doorn
2017-07-03Define css globalsNick Van Doorn
2017-07-03Implement indexNick Van Doorn
All noramlization css is placed in index and the layout component is mounted here
2017-07-03Delete legacy cssNick Van Doorn
2017-07-03Refactor fonts out of srcNick Van Doorn
2017-07-03Inject titleNick Van Doorn
2017-07-03Remove css-js-loader & load fonts without postcssNick Van Doorn
2017-07-02Add domainNick Van Doorn
2017-07-02Update package for getslask from templateNick Van Doorn
2017-07-02Update lockfile for cp-cliNick Van Doorn
2017-07-02Apply anotherOne classnameNick Van Doorn
2017-07-02Cleanup webpack configNick Van Doorn
Remove source map from production builds and use cheap-eval-source-map for dev Factor out static asset naming Setup css-loader to load .css.js and .css while migrating away from css-js-loader
2017-07-02Add publish aliasNick Van Doorn
2017-07-01Add .css.js file to test migrationNick Van Doorn
Configuring webpack to load .css and .css.js files with postcss while using css-js-loader for migration
2017-06-29Test out new PostCSS configNick Van Doorn
2017-06-29Configure PostCSS pluginsNick Van Doorn
All changes aside from the PostCSS stuff is copied over from my portfolio config (such as injecting title, using built in minifier, and giving fonts their own directory)
2017-06-29Inject template with title & disable user scalingNick Van Doorn
2017-06-29Add css dependencies and cleanup aliasesNick Van Doorn
Added a bunch of dependencies for the new PostCSS setup (no more css-js-loader) as well as some font-awesome dependencies as I figured most people will want font-awesome in a react starter
2017-05-17Fix font-loadingNick Van Doorn
2017-05-13Demo postcss autoprefixer with flexNick Van Doorn
2017-05-13Add autoprefixer dependencyNick Van Doorn
2017-05-13Fix dev run modeNick Van Doorn
Problem with the paths was causing webpack-dev-server problems
2017-05-12Add sourcemap and url loaderNick Van Doorn
2017-05-12Add eslint dependenciesNick Van Doorn
2017-05-12Add repo urlNick Van Doorn
2017-05-12Add yarn lockfileNick Van Doorn
2017-05-12Add authorNick Van Doorn
2017-05-12Add example React componentNick Van Doorn
This will likely expand to show off some of the nicer features of this webpack config
2017-05-12Add HTML templateNick Van Doorn
2017-05-12Add dependencies and npm commandsNick Van Doorn
2017-05-12Configure webpackNick Van Doorn
2017-05-12Ignore node_modulesNick Van Doorn