AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2024-01-08Update zshrcHEADmasterNick Van Doorn
yeah some stuff here eh
2024-01-08Update git emailNick Van Doorn
2024-01-08Add new co-workersNick Van Doorn
2024-01-08Update iPod sync scriptNick Van Doorn
This includes a path update as the server setup has changed, but we also don't need to exclude JPEGs anymore as Rockbox can handle them if de-interlaced properly.
2024-01-08Remove `convert-art` scriptNick Van Doorn
This lives in my server repo now.
2023-06-20update mpd confNick Van Doorn
2022-11-29Add direnvNick Van Doorn
2022-11-29Move fnm to the bottomNick Van Doorn
2022-11-29Ignore .envrcNick Van Doorn
I use direnv now
2022-11-29I don't use these anymoreNick Van Doorn
2022-11-29Sort git branches by dateNick Van Doorn
Thnx aaron
2022-11-29Update co-workersNick Van Doorn
Team keep on changing
2022-02-07seems to be goneNick Van Doorn
2022-02-03Save playlists on networkNick Van Doorn
2022-02-03aightNick Van Doorn
2022-02-03shitNick Van Doorn
2021-12-13Project specific thingNick Van Doorn
2021-12-13We M1 nowNick Van Doorn
2021-12-13Done!Nick Van Doorn
2021-12-13Update NERDTREENick Van Doorn
2021-12-13Clean houseNick Van Doorn
2021-12-13Don't convert images when syncing iPodNick Van Doorn
We can just ignore JPEG's and let someone else generate the BMP's we need for rockbox.
2021-09-21jankjankjankjankNick Van Doorn
2021-09-21Add neovim setup to link scriptNick Van Doorn
2021-09-21Add clojure stuffNick Van Doorn
2021-09-21New ipods who thisNick Van Doorn
2021-09-21Add script to restart MPDNick Van Doorn
MPD seems to have trouble with my audio configuration and needs a restart fairly frequently.
2021-09-01That tree sitter ain't rightNick Van Doorn
Not sure what's going on here but something is kindof broken in my setup.
2021-09-01It's gross but its fine for nowNick Van Doorn
2021-08-31Very hip home automationNick Van Doorn
All the GPIO libraries are such a mess that this seems suitable for now
2021-08-26Remove whitespace pluginNick Van Doorn
That's it! I've had it with this thing!
2021-08-25Add FLAC to mp3 scriptNick Van Doorn
Sometimes I sent my friends music
2021-08-24Add `vim-rails`Nick Van Doorn
Thank you @tpope!
2021-08-24Add more vim like key bindings to ncmpcppNick Van Doorn
There is no saving me at this point.
2021-08-20Configure ncmpcpp even moreNick Van Doorn
oh boy
2021-08-20Bind j & k keys in ncmpcppNick Van Doorn
I guess I use a terminal based music client now
2021-08-20Remove default emailNick Van Doorn
I can't remember how this got here but it definitely fucks with the other included emails.
2021-08-20Remove hostsNick Van Doorn
I've been under a rock so long I don't even miss the outside world anymore. Plus I usually run my own DNS these days.
2021-08-18Add `mutt` configurationNicholas Van Doorn
Writing emails in vim is sweet
2021-08-17Configure git send emailNicholas Van Doorn
2021-08-17Use new emailNicholas Van Doorn
pce gmail
2021-08-17Update interactive rebase flowNicholas Van Doorn
Some repos use the merge strategy so just picking a number of commits from `HEAD`.
2021-08-17Remove the git aliases I never useNicholas Van Doorn
2021-08-17Add tree sitter to neovimNicholas Van Doorn
The longer I know Alex Blackie, the more I learn about all the terrible shit deep inside my favorite programs (looking at you, regex syntax highlighting).
2021-08-17Move personal codeNicholas Van Doorn
I want to move this out of my personal folder so it doesn't get rsync'd and unfortunately this setup requires git knowing where my personal code lives (vs work code).
2021-08-17Initial commitNicholas Van Doorn