# Changelog ## master - [#51](https://github.com/SuperGoodSoft/solidus_taxjar/pull/51) Add nexus regions method to API - [#58](https://github.com/SuperGoodSoft/solidus_taxjar/pull/58) Take shipping promotions into account in default calculator ## v0.18.1 [#52](https://github.com/supergoodsoft/solidus_taxjar/pull/52) fixes a critical bug in the API class that was released in `v0.18.0`. Please upgrade. - [#47](https://github.com/SuperGoodSoft/solidus_taxjar/pull/47) Fixed bug in `validate_address_params` for addresses without a state - [#52](https://github.com/supergoodsoft/solidus_taxjar/pull/52) Fixed critical bug in API class ## ~~v0.18.0~~ `v0.18.0` was removed due to a regression in the API class that was fixed in [#52](https://github.com/SuperGoodSoft/solidus_taxjar/pull/52) and `v0.18.1` - [#21](https://github.com/SuperGoodSoft/solidus_taxjar/pull/21) Migrated project to `solidus_dev_support` - [#22](https://github.com/SuperGoodSoft/solidus_taxjar/pull/22) Added support for TaxJar address validation API through `SuperGood::SolidusTaxJar::Addresses` class - [#34](https://github.com/SuperGoodSoft/solidus_taxjar/pull/34) Include API version in request headers - [#38](https://github.com/SuperGoodSoft/solidus_taxjar/pull/38) Added a rails engine to support future solidus backend UI - [#43](https://github.com/SuperGoodSoft/solidus_taxjar/pull/43) Support zeitwerk loading **Breaking Changes**: - Module name `SolidusTaxJar` renamed to `SolidusTaxjar` - Class name `API` renamed to `Api` - Class name `APIParams` renamed to `ApiParams` ### Upgrading from 0.17.X to 0.18.X If you're currently using version 0.17.X and want to upgrade to 0.18.X, follow these steps: - Rename any instances of the module `SolidusTaxJar` to `SolidusTaxjar` - Rename any instances of the class `API` to `Api` - Rename any instances of the class `APIParams` to `ApiParams` ## v0.17.1 - Fixed bug where shipping calculator was not used for order shipping param. (Thanks @spaghetticode!) ## v0.17.0 - Added `SuperGood::SolidusTaxJar.custom_order_params` to allow for custom overrides to the parameters sent to TaxJar when calculating order taxes. For example, if you needed to send a custom nexus address you could do: ```ruby SuperGood::SolidusTaxJar.custom_order_params = ->(order) { { nexus_addresses: [ { id: 'Main Location', country: 'AU', zip: 'NSW 2000', city: 'Sydney', street: '483 George St', } ] } } ``` The callback receives the `Spree::Order` that the params are for and the return value can override existing values like the order's ID. ## v0.16.0 - Fix `#incomplete_address?` method to be friendly also to completely blank addresses. - Added `SuperGood::SolidusTaxJar::TaxRateCalculator` for retrieving the tax rate for a given `Spree::Address`. The calculator follows `TaxCalculator` conventions by relying on address validators and custom exception handling. ## v0.15.2 - Add order number to param logging. ## v0.15.1 - Add support for request/response logging. ## v0.15.0 - Made sure cache key is a string, instead of a giant nested hash/array structure that probably won't get interpreted by Rails well. Still not happy with the caching behaviour, but it's configurable. ## v0.14.0 - Added `SuperGood::SolidusTaxJar.taxable_order_check` option which can be set to a proc that receives the order and will prevent actual tax calculation from occurring if it returns false. If your app has introduced a method like `Spree::Order#complimentary?`, you could avoid trying to compute taxes on complimentary orders by doing the following in an initializer: ```ruby SuperGood::SolidusTaxJar.taxable_order_check = ->(order) { order.complimentary? } ``` ## v0.13.0 - Report order.user_id as customer_id when calculating taxes and creating transactions. This enables the use of per customer exemptions. ## v0.12.0 - Report no tax collected on order and line items when order total zeroed out. ## v0.11.1 - Avoid sending negative amounts for order totals. ## v0.11.0 - Avoid sending 0 quantity line items. TaxJar doesn't like them. ## v0.10.0 - Make shipping amounts configurable to make it easier to support order-level adjustments. ## v0.9.1 - Fixed unreliable default cache key implementation. ## v0.9.0 - Made response cache key and cache duration configurable. ## v0.8.0 - Increased response caching time to 3 hours. ## v0.7.0 - Switched to sending the full list of line items when creating/updating transactions in TaxJar. ## v0.6.2 - Fixed issued where orders without tax address would cause errors because `Spree::Order#tax_address` will return a `Spree::Tax::TaxLocation` when called on an order without a tax address. `Spree::Tax::TaxLocation` isn't enough like a real address and this was causing exceptions. To fix this `SuperGood::SolidusTaxJar#incomplete_address?` was updated to treat `Spree::Tax::TaxLocation`s as "incomplete". (Thanks to [@JuanCrg90](https://github.com/JuanCrg90)!) ## v0.6.1 **Warning**: v0.6.1 has a critical bug and should not be used. - Stopped using the deprecated method `Spree::Address#empty?` in favour of simply checking that we have all of the fields on the address required for doing a TaxJar lookup. ## v0.6.0 - Added `SuperGood::SolidusTaxJar.shipping_tax_label_maker` for customizing the labels on the tax adjustments on shipments. - Added `SuperGood::SolidusTaxJar.line_item_tax_label_maker` for customizing the labels on the line iteme tax adjustments. ## v0.5.0 - Moved exception handler configuration to `SuperGood::SolidusTaxJar.exception_handler` from `SuperGood::SolidusTaxJar::TaxCalculator.exception_handler`. Now all the configuration options are in the same place. - Added `SuperGood::SolidusTaxJar.taxable_address_check` option which can be set to a block that receives the address and will prevent actual tax calculator from occurring if it returns false. If your app has introduced a method like `Spree::Address#us?`, you could avoid trying to compute taxes on non-US orders by doing the following in an initializer: ```ruby SuperGood::SolidusTaxJar.taxable_address_check = ->(address) { address.us? } ```