AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2021-02-22Update the changelogNoah Silvera
Add a note about the addition of the rails engine.
2021-02-22Add Taxjar Rails engineNoah Silvera
Upcoming work to get this extension officially certified with Taxjar will require the addition of UI components into the solidus backend. Creating a rails engine for the new rails components of this extension is a prerequisite to any UI work. Co-authored-by: Nick Van Doorn <> Co-authored-by: Adam Mueller <>
2021-02-10Merge pull request #38 from nvandoorn/add-version-information-to-readmeJared Norman
Add information to README about versions in setup
2021-02-10Add information to README about versions in setupNicholas Van Doorn
When setting up this project and running specs, it's important to make sure all versions are compatible. As such we make a note in the README and provide the versions from the CI Co-authored-by: Noah Silvera <>
2021-02-08Merge pull request #34 from nvandoorn/33-put-api-version-in-request-headersJared Norman
2021-02-08Include API version in request headersNicholas Van Doorn
TaxJar requires certified extensions to include an API version in the header of each request. This extensions wraps the official TaxJar Ruby Gem with another API client, so we make sure the version gets set in when our wrapper class is constructed. Co-authored-by: Noah Silvera <>
2020-10-11Merge pull request #27 from cmhnk/fix/extension_nameJared Norman
Update extension name
2020-10-09Update extension namecmhnk
Without this update, the following would fail: $ bundle exec rake sandbox
2020-07-22Merge pull request #23 from adammathys/bug/no-addresses-errorJared Norman
Fix handling of no results for address validation
2020-07-21Fix handling of no results for address validationAdam Mueller
According to the documentation, and some testing, the API will raise a Taxjar::Error::NotFound error if the API finds no addresses. Instead of raising this error to others, we should handle it ourselves and return nil/an empty array like we originally intended.
2020-07-14Update CHANGELOG.mdJared Norman
2020-07-14Merge pull request #22 from SuperGoodSoft/address-validationJared Norman
Support for TaxJar Address Validation API
2020-07-14Add ability to fetch address possibilitiesJared Norman
2020-07-14Add convenient class for normalizing addressesJared Norman
2020-07-14Refactor API class instantiationJared Norman
This is used by any class that interacts with the TaxJar API and is meant to be able to be consumed by applications for custom needs, so let's just make it exposed at the top level.
2020-07-14Add API call to validate addressesJared Norman
This adds support to the API module for performing address validation lookups. It doesn't hook anything up to that, but you can now call: to hit the TaxJar address validation API and a list of validated addresses back.
2020-07-14Add param generation for validate_address endpointJared Norman
I'm going to add support for address validation. This is the first step, ensuring that we can take a Spree::Address and transform it into the params that TaxJar expects for the address validation endpoint.
2020-07-14Run project through standardrbJared Norman
2020-07-07Merge pull request #21 from SuperGoodSoft/solidus_dev_support_supportJared Norman
2020-07-07Fix CIJared Norman
2020-07-07Add solidus_dev_support change to CHANGELOG.mdJared Norman
2020-06-24Add scripts provided by solidus_dev_supportJared Norman
2020-06-24Clean up spec setup as per solidus_dev_supportJared Norman
2020-06-24Add default require fileJared Norman
While bundler knows to translate the dashes in gem names into slashes for namespaced gems, there's some interplay between solidus_core's test helpers and solidus_dev_support that ends up trying to require the name of the gem without bundler's fallback logic. This just makes it so everything plays nice with the namespaced gem name.
2020-06-22Update Gemfile as per solidus_dev_supportJared Norman
2020-06-22Update licenseJared Norman
This updates the project to the compatible BSD 3-clause license and transfers the ownership to Super Good Software, Inc.
2020-06-22Update .gitignore as per solidus_dev_supportJared Norman
2020-06-22Update Rakefile as per solidus_dev_supportJared Norman
2020-06-22Update gemspec as per solidus_dev_supportJared Norman
2020-06-22Add solidus_dev_supportJared Norman
2020-05-27v0.17.1v0.17.1Jared Norman
2020-05-27Document bugfix in CHANGELOG.mdJared Norman
2020-05-26Merge pull request #20 from spaghetticode/spaghetticode/shipping-calculator-fixJared Norman
Use shipping_calculator lambda for order shipping param
2020-05-26Use shipping_calculator lambda for order shipping paramandrea longhi
`APIParams#order_params` should use the `shipping_calculator` lambda instead of a hardcoded value for providing shipping costs to TaxJar.
2020-02-03v0.17.0v0.17.0Jared Norman
2020-02-03Merge pull request #19 from SuperGoodSoft/custom-order-paramsJared Norman
Add support for modifying order params
2020-02-03Add support for modifying order paramsJared Norman
2020-02-02v0.16.0v0.16.0Jared Norman
2020-01-22Merge pull request #18 from spaghetticode/spaghetticode/minor-fixesJared Norman
Remove unnecessary errors when validating address without country
2020-01-22Remove unnecessay safe navigatorandrea longhi
The safe navigator is not necessary here, as all other method calls on `address` don't have it.
2020-01-22Avoid raising unnecessary errors with incomplete addressandrea longhi
When validating addresses, it may happen that the address has no country, so trying to fetch the country ISO raises an unnecessary error. Using ruby safe navigation prevents this to happen. Of course, the address will still result invalid eventually.
2020-01-15Merge pull request #17 from spaghetticode/spaghetticode/tax-rate-calculatorJared Norman
Add tax rate calculator
2020-01-15Add changelog entry for TaxRateCalculatorandrea longhi
2020-01-14Update Travis configandrea longhi
2020-01-14Add brief calculators descriptions to READMEandrea longhi
2020-01-14Add tax rate calculator classandrea longhi
This new calculator allows to retrieve tax rate information starting from a `Spree::Address` model. It shares some logic with the tax calculator, for example the ability to handle exceptions using `SolidusTaxJar.exception_handler` lambda.
2020-01-14Add SolidusTaxJar::API#tax_rate_forandrea longhi
When calculating tax rates, the recommended endpoint from TaxJar support for live calculations is `/v2/taxes`, the same used for calculating order taxes, as it accounts for all factors like sourcing or nexus, while the `/v2/rates` endpoint will return the full combined rate for the queried location.
2020-01-14Add SolidusTaxJar::APIParams.tax_rate_address_paramsandrea longhi
This helper converts a `Spree::Address` to address params that can be used to retrieve the tax rate for that location.
2020-01-14Add generic default cache_key procandrea longhi
`SuperGood::SolidusTaxJar.cache_key` uses different `APIParams` methods for calculating cache keys for different models.
2020-01-14Add CalculatorHelper for sharing logicandrea longhi
This module includes helper methods that can be shared among different calculators.