# This class takes a collection of installments and populates a new spree # order with the correct contents based on the subscriptions associated to the # intallments. This is to group together subscriptions being # processed on the same day for a specific user module SolidusSubscriptions class Checkout # @return [Array] The collection of installments to be used # when generating a new order attr_reader :installments delegate :user, to: :subscription # Get a new instance of a Checkout # # @param installments [Array] The collection of installments # to be used when generating a new order def initialize(installments) @installments = installments raise UserMismatchError.new(installments) if different_owners? end # Generate a new Spree::Order based on the information associated to the # installments # # @return [Spree::Order] def process populate # Installments are removed and set for future processing if they are # out of stock. If there are no line items left there is nothing to do return if installments.empty? if checkout Config.success_dispatcher_class.new(installments, order).dispatch return order end # A new order will only have 1 payment that we created if order.payments.any?(&:failed?) Config.payment_failed_dispatcher_class.new(installments, order).dispatch installments.clear nil end ensure # Any installments that failed to be processed will be reprocessed unfulfilled_installments = installments.select(&:unfulfilled?) if unfulfilled_installments.any? Config.failure_dispatcher_class. new(unfulfilled_installments, order).dispatch end end # The order fulfilling the consolidated installment # # @return [Spree::Order] def order @order ||= ::Spree::Order.create( user: user, email: user.email, store: subscription.store || ::Spree::Store.default, subscription_order: true ) end private def checkout order.recalculate apply_promotions order.checkout_steps[0...-1].each do case order.state when "address" order.ship_address = ship_address order.bill_address = bill_address when "payment" create_payment end order.next! end # Do this as a separate "quiet" transition so that it returns true or # false rather than raising a failed transition error order.complete end def populate unfulfilled_installments = [] order_line_items = installments.flat_map do |installment| line_items = installment.line_item_builder.spree_line_items unfulfilled_installments.push(installment) if line_items.empty? line_items end # Remove installments which had no stock from the active list # They will be reprocessed later @installments -= unfulfilled_installments if unfulfilled_installments.any? Config.out_of_stock_dispatcher_class.new(unfulfilled_installments).dispatch end return if installments.empty? order_builder.add_line_items(order_line_items) end def order_builder @order_builder ||= OrderBuilder.new(order) end def subscription installments.first.subscription end def ship_address subscription.shipping_address_to_use end def bill_address subscription.billing_address_to_use end def payment_source subscription.payment_source_to_use end def payment_method subscription.payment_method_to_use end def create_payment order.payments.create( source: payment_source, amount: order.total, payment_method: payment_method, ) end def apply_promotions ::Spree::PromotionHandler::Cart.new(order).activate order.updater.update # reload totals end def different_owners? installments.map { |i| i.subscription.user }.uniq.length > 1 end end end