% $Id$ % \subsection{Lrcplayer} % \screenshot{plugins/images/ss-lrcplayer}{Lrcplayer}{} This plugin displays lyrics in \fname{.lrc} files (and some other formats) synchronized with the song being played. \subsubsection{Supported file types} \begin{enumerate} \item \fname{.lrc} \item \fname{.lrc8} \item \fname{.snc} \item \fname{.txt} \item id3v2 SYLT or USLT tags in mp3 files \end{enumerate} \fname{.lrc8} files are the same as \fname{.lrc} files except that they are UTF8 encoded. The Lyrics3 tag is not supported. \subsubsection{Supported tags and formats for \fname{.lrc} files} The following tags are supported: \begin{verbatim} [ti:title] [ar:artist] [offset:offset (msec)] \end{verbatim} Each line should resemble one of the following: \begin{verbatim} [time tag]line [time tag]...[time tag]line [time tag]word... \end{verbatim} The time tag must be in the form [mm:ss], [mm:ss.xx], or [mm:ss.xxx] where mm is minutes, ss is seconds, xx is tenth of milliseconds, and xxx is milliseconds. Any other tags and lines without time tags are ignored. \subsubsection{Location of lyrics files} The plugin checks the following directories for lyrics files. \opt{swcodec}{If no lyrics file is found and the audio file is a \fname{.mp3}, it also checks for SYLT and USLT tags in the id3v2 tags.} \begin{enumerate} \item The directory containing the audio file and its parent directories. \item For each of the above directories, the plugin searches for a subdirectory named ``Lyrics''. \item Finally, the plugin will search as above, but within a directory called ``/Lyrics''. The name of this directory can be customized, see below. \end{enumerate} If the audio file currently playing is \fname{/Music/Artist/Album/Title.mp3}, then the following files will be searched for, in this order. \fname{.ext} is one of the supported extensions from the list above, and will be searched for in the same order as in that list. \begin{verbatim} /Music/Artist/Album/Title.ext /Music/Artist/Title.ext /Music/Title.ext /Title.ext /Music/Artist/Album/Lyrics/Title.ext /Music/Artist/Lyrics/Title.ext /Music/Lyrics/Title.ext /Lyrics/Title.ext /Lyrics/Musics/Artist/Album/Title.ext /Lyrics/Musics/Artist/Title.ext /Lyrics/Musics/Title.ext /Lyrics/Title.ext \end{verbatim} \subsubsection{Controls} \begin{table} \begin{btnmap}{}{} \ActionWpsVolUp{} / \ActionWpsVolDown \opt{HAVEREMOTEKEYMAP}{& \ActionRCWpsVolUp{} / \ActionRCWpsVolDown} & Volume up/down.\\ % \ActionWpsSkipPrev \opt{HAVEREMOTEKEYMAP}{& \ActionRCWpsSkipPrev} & Go to beginning of track, or if pressed while in the first seconds of a track, go to the previous track.\\ % \ActionWpsSeekBack \opt{HAVEREMOTEKEYMAP}{& \ActionRCWpsSeekBack} & Rewind in track.\\ % \ActionWpsSkipNext \opt{HAVEREMOTEKEYMAP}{& \ActionRCWpsSkipNext} & Go to the next track.\\ % \ActionWpsSeekFwd \opt{HAVEREMOTEKEYMAP}{& \ActionRCWpsSeekFwd} & Fast forward in track.\\ % \ActionWpsPlay \opt{HAVEREMOTEKEYMAP}{& \ActionRCWpsPlay} & Toggle play/pause.\\ % \ActionWpsStop{}\nopt{ONDIO_PAD}{ or \ActionWpsBrowse} \opt{HAVEREMOTEKEYMAP}{& \ActionRCWpsStop{} or \ActionRCWpsBrowse} & Exit the plugin.\\ % \ActionWpsContext \opt{HAVEREMOTEKEYMAP}{& \ActionRCWpsContext} & Enter timetag editor.\\ % \opt{ONDIO_PAD}{\ActionWpsBrowse}% \nopt{ONDIO_PAD}{\ActionWpsMenu}% \opt{HAVEREMOTEKEYMAP}{& \ActionRCWpsMenu} & Enter \setting{Lrcplayer Menu}.\\ % \end{btnmap} \end{table} \subsubsection{Lrcplayer Menu} \begin{description} \item[Theme settings.] Change theme related settings. \begin{description} \opt{lcd_bitmap}{% \item[Show Statusbar.] Show / hide the statusbar. \item[Display Title.] Show / hide the track title. }% \item[Display Time.] Show / hide the current time. \opt{lcd_color}{% \item[Inactive Colour.] Set the colour of the inactive part of the lyrics. }% \item[Backlight Force On.] Do not turn off the backlight while displaying the lyrics. \end{description} \opt{lcd_bitmap}{% \item[Display Settings.] Change how the lyrics are displayed. \begin{description} \item[Wrap.] Breaks lines at white space. \item[Wipe.] Wipes the text. \item[Alignment.] Align text to the left, centre, or right. \item[Activate Only Current Line.] Activate only the current line, or the current and previous lines. \end{description} }% \item[Lyrics Settings.] Change how the lyrics files are loaded. \begin{description} \item[Encoding.] Sets the codepage used in the plugin. \opt{swcodec}{% \item[Read ID3 tag.] Read lyrics from id3 tags in mp3 files. }% \item[Lrc Directory.] Set the directory where lyrics files are stored, must be a maximum of 63 bytes. \end{description} \item[Playback Control.] Show the playback control menu. \item[Time Offset.] Set an offset for the time tags for the lyrics currently in use. \item[Timetag Editor.] Enter the timetag editor. \item[Quit.] Exit the plugin. \end{description} \subsubsection{Editing the time tags} The display time for each line can be changed with the timetag editor. Selecting a line changes its time to the current position of the track. To set a specific time or to adjust the time, press \ActionStdContext{} to bring up a screen to adjust the time. Changes will be saved automatically when the song is changed. Editing words in lyrics is not supported.