\subsection{Chess Clock} \screenshot{plugins/images/ss-chess_clock}{Chess Clock}% {img:chessclock} The chess clock plugin is designed to simulate a chess clock, but it can be used in any kind of game with up to ten players. \subsubsection{Setup} \begin{table} \begin{btnmap}{}{} \opt{PLAYER_PAD,IRIVER_H100_PAD,IRIVER_H300_PAD}{\ButtonRight/\ButtonLeft} \opt{RECORDER_PAD,ONDIO_PAD}{\ButtonUp/\ButtonDown} \opt{IPOD_4G_PAD}{\ButtonScrollBack/\ButtonScrollFwd} & Increase / Decrease displayed Value\\ \opt{PLAYER_PAD,RECORDER_PAD}{\ButtonPlay} \opt{IRIVER_H100_PAD,IRIVER_H300_PAD}{\ButtonOn} \opt{ONDIO_PAD}{\ButtonRight} \opt{IPOD_4G_PAD}{\ButtonSelect} & Move to next screen\\ \opt{PLAYER_PAD}{\ButtonStop} \opt{ONDIO_PAD,IPOD_4G_PAD}{\ButtonMenu} \opt{RECORDER_PAD,IRIVER_H100_PAD,IRIVER_H300_PAD}{\ButtonOff} & Move to next screen\\ \end{btnmap} \end{table} \begin{itemize} \item First enter the number of players (1--10) \item Then set the total game time in mm:ss \item Then the maximum round time is entered. For example, this could be used to play Scrabble for a maximum of 15 minutes each, with each round taking no longer than one minute. \item Done. Player 1 starts in paused mode. \end{itemize} \subsubsection{While playing} The number of the current player is displayed on the top line. The time below is the time remaining for that round (and possibly also the total time left if different). Keys are as follows: \begin{table} \begin{btnmap}{}{} \opt{PLAYER_PAD}{\ButtonOn} \opt{RECORDER_PAD,ONDIO_PAD}{\ButtonOff} \opt{IRIVER_H100_PAD,IRIVER_H300_PAD}{\ButtonSelect} \opt{IPOD_4G_PAD}{\ButtonPlay} & Exit plugin \\ \opt{PLAYER_PAD}{\ButtonStop} \opt{RECORDER_PAD,ONDIO_PAD,IPOD_4G_PAD}{\ButtonLeft} \opt{IRIVER_H100_PAD,IRIVER_H300_PAD}{\ButtonOff} & Restart round for the current player \\ \opt{PLAYER_PAD,RECORDER_PAD}{\ButtonPlay} \opt{IRIVER_H100_PAD,IRIVER_H300_PAD}{\ButtonOn} \opt{ONDIO_PAD}{\ButtonRight} \opt{IPOD_4G_PAD}{\ButtonSelect} & Pause the time (press again to continue) \\ \opt{PLAYER_PAD,IRIVER_H100_PAD,IRIVER_H300_PAD}{\ButtonRight} \opt{RECORDER_PAD,ONDIO_PAD}{\ButtonUp} \opt{IPOD_4G_PAD}{\ButtonScrollBack} & Switch to next player \\ \opt{PLAYER_PAD,IRIVER_H100_PAD,IRIVER_H300_PAD}{\ButtonLeft} \opt{RECORDER_PAD,ONDIO_PAD}{\ButtonDown} \opt{IPOD_4G_PAD}{\ButtonScrollFwd} & Switch to previous player \\ \opt{PLAYER_PAD,ONDIO_PAD,IPOD_4G_PAD}{\ButtonMenu} \opt{RECORDER_PAD}{\ButtonFOne} \opt{IRIVER_H100_PAD,IRIVER_H300_PAD}{\ButtonRec} & Delete current player % \opt{PLAYER_PAD,RECORDER_PAD}{(\ButtonPlay\ to confirm.)} \opt{IRIVER_H100_PAD,IRIVER_H300_PAD}{(\ButtonOn\ to confirm.)} \opt{ONDIO_PAD}{(\ButtonRight\ to confirm.)} \opt{IPOD_4G_PAD}{(\ButtonSelect\ to confirm.)}\\ \end{btnmap} \end{table} From the menu it is possible to delete a player, modify the round time for the current player or set the total time for the game. When the round time is up for a player the message ``ROUND UP!'' is shown (press NEXT to continue). When the total time is up for a player the message ``TIME UP!''is shown. Then player will then be removed from the timer.