--[[ __________ __ ___. Open \______ \ ____ ____ | | _\_ |__ _______ ___ Source | _// _ \_/ ___\| |/ /| __ \ / _ \ \/ / Jukebox | | ( <_> ) \___| < | \_\ ( <_> > < < Firmware |____|_ /\____/ \___ >__|_ \|___ /\____/__/\_ \ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ $Id$ Port and extension of Pixel Painter by Pavel Bakhilau (http://js1k.com/2010-first/demo/453) to Rockbox Lua. Copyright (C) 2011 by Stefan Schneider-Kennedy This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. ]]-- --Number of colours used in the game --Hard coded here, in the COLOURS and PIP_COLOURS definitions and in --get_colours_count's count_table NUM_COLOURS = 6 --Utility function makes a copy of the passed table function deepcopy(object) local lookup_table = {} local function _copy(object) if type(object) ~= "table" then return object elseif lookup_table[object] then return lookup_table[object] end local new_table = {} lookup_table[object] = new_table for index, value in pairs(object) do new_table[_copy(index)] = _copy(value) end return setmetatable(new_table, getmetatable(object)) end return _copy(object) end --Returns the maximum value of the passed table and its index function table_maximum(a) local mi = 1 local m = a[mi] for i, val in ipairs(a) do if val > m then mi = i m = val end end return m, mi end --Solves the board using a simple algorithm and returns the number of --moves required. Each turn, the function picks the move which fills in --the greatest area of board. The number of moves required to complete --it is returned. function calculate_par(board) local board_dimension = table.getn(board) local test_game_copy = deepcopy(board) local moves = 0 repeat local non_matching = {} fill_board(test_game_copy, 0, 1, 1, test_game_copy[1][1], non_matching) if table.getn(non_matching) > 0 then local count_table = get_colours_count(test_game_copy, non_matching) local max_value, colour = table_maximum(count_table) --Corrects the invalid colour values set by --get_colours_count, this also acts as a move for x=1,board_dimension do for y=1,board_dimension do if test_game_copy[x][y] < 0 then test_game_copy[x][y] = test_game_copy[x][y] * -1 elseif test_game_copy[x][y] == 0 then test_game_copy[x][y] = colour end end end else return moves end --Manual garbage collection is needed so it doesn't eat into the --audio buffer, see http://forums.rockbox.org/index.php/topic,27120.msg177434.html collectgarbage("collect") moves = moves + 1 until false end --Calculates the number of blocks of each colour adjacent to the filled --region identified by the passed parameters. A colour indexed table --containing the counts is returned. Relies on the board having been --flood filled with 0s prior to executing this function. -- --The 'board' table is also adjusted as follows: The filled region's --colour index is set to zero and each of the adjacent areas' colour --indexes are multiplied by -1. These invalid colour values are later --corrected in the calculate_par function. function get_colours_count(board, non_matching) local count_table = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0} repeat --Pop the array local current = non_matching[table.getn(non_matching)] table.remove(non_matching) --Check this square hasn't already been filled local curr_colour = board[current[1]][current[2]] if curr_colour > 0 then count_table[curr_colour] = count_table[curr_colour] + fill_board(board, curr_colour * -1, current[1], current[2], curr_colour) end until table.getn(non_matching) == 0 return count_table end --Returns a randomly coloured board of the indicated dimensions function generate_board(board_dimension, seed) math.randomseed(seed) local board = {} for x=1,board_dimension do board[x] = {} for y=1,board_dimension do board[x][y] = math.random(1,NUM_COLOURS) end end return board end --Flood fills the board from the top left using selected_colour --Returns the number of boxes filled function fill_board(board, fill_colour, x, y, original_colour, non_matching) local board_dimension = table.getn(board) if x > 0 and y > 0 and x <= board_dimension and y <= board_dimension then if board[x][y] == original_colour then board[x][y] = fill_colour return fill_board(board, fill_colour, x - 1, y, original_colour, non_matching) + fill_board(board, fill_colour, x, y - 1, original_colour, non_matching) + fill_board(board, fill_colour, x + 1, y, original_colour, non_matching) + fill_board(board, fill_colour, x, y + 1, original_colour, non_matching) + 1 elseif(non_matching ~= nil and board[x][y] ~= fill_colour) then table.insert(non_matching, {x,y}) end end return 0 end --Checks whether the given board is a single colour function check_win(board) for x,col in pairs(board) do for y,value in pairs(col) do if value ~= board[1][1] then return false end end end return true end --Attempt to load the game variables stored in the indicated save file. --Returns a table containing game variables if the file can be opened, --false otherwise. --Table keys are: difficulty, par, move_number, selected_colour, board function load_game(filename) local f = io.open(filename, "r") if f ~= nil then local rtn = {} rtn["difficulty"] = tonumber(f:read()) rtn["par"] = tonumber(f:read()) rtn["move_number"] = tonumber(f:read()) rtn["selected_colour"] = tonumber(f:read()) local board={} local dimension = diff_to_dimension(rtn["difficulty"]) for x=1,dimension do board[x] = {} local line = f:read() local bits = {line:match(("([^ ]*) "):rep(dimension))} for y=1,dimension do board[x][y] = tonumber(bits[y]) end end rtn["board"] = board f:close() return rtn else return false end end --Saves the game state to file function save_game(state, filename) local f = io.open(filename, "w") if f ~= nil then f:write(state["difficulty"],"\n") f:write(state["par"],"\n") f:write(state["move_number"],"\n") f:write(state["selected_colour"],"\n") local board = state["board"] local dimension = diff_to_dimension(state["difficulty"]) for x=1,dimension do for y=1,dimension do f:write(board[x][y]," ") end f:write("\n") end f:close() return true else return false end end --Loads the high scores from file --Returns true on success, false otherwise function load_scores(filename) local f = io.open(filename, "r") if f ~= nil then local highscores = {} for i=1,3 do local line = f:read() local value = false if line ~= nil then value = tonumber(line) end highscores[i] = value end f:close() return highscores else return false end end --Saves the high scores to file function save_scores(highscores, filename) local f = io.open(filename, "w") if f ~= nil then for i=1,3 do local value = highscores[i] if value == false then value = "" end f:write(value,"\n") end f:close() return true else return false end end function diff_to_dimension(difficulty) if difficulty == 1 then return 8 elseif difficulty == 2 then return 16 else return 22 end end --Don't run the RB stuff if we're not running under RB if rb ~= nil then if rb.lcd_rgbpack == nil then rb.splash(2*rb.HZ, "Non RGB targets not currently supported") os.exit() end --------------------- --RB Game variables-- --------------------- --The colours used by the game COLOURS = { rb.lcd_rgbpack(255, 119, 34), rb.lcd_rgbpack(255, 255, 102), rb.lcd_rgbpack(119, 204, 51), rb.lcd_rgbpack(102, 170, 255), rb.lcd_rgbpack(51, 68, 255), rb.lcd_rgbpack(51, 51, 51), } --The colour of the selection pip PIP_COLOURS = { rb.lcd_rgbpack(0, 0, 0), rb.lcd_rgbpack(0, 0, 0), rb.lcd_rgbpack(0, 0, 0), rb.lcd_rgbpack(0, 0, 0), rb.lcd_rgbpack(0, 0, 0), rb.lcd_rgbpack(255, 255, 255), } DEFAULT_DIFFICULTY = 2 --1: Easy, 2: Normal, 3: Hard FILES_ROOT = "/.rockbox/rocks/games/" SCORES_FILE = FILES_ROOT.."pixel-painter.score" SAVE_FILE = FILES_ROOT.."pixel-painter.save" r,w,TEXT_LINE_HEIGHT = rb.font_getstringsize(" ", rb.FONT_UI) --Get font height --Determine which layout to use by considering the screen dimensions --the +9 is so we have space for the chooser if rb.LCD_WIDTH > (rb.LCD_HEIGHT + 9) then LAYOUT = 1 --Wider than high, status and chooser on right elseif rb.LCD_HEIGHT > (rb.LCD_WIDTH + 9) then LAYOUT = 2 --Higher than wide, status and chooser below else LAYOUT = 3 --Treat like a square screen, chooser on right, status below end --Display variables chooser_pip_dimension = 6 --pixel dimension of the selected colour pip block_width = 0 --pixel dimension of each game square chooser_start_pos = 0 --x or y position of the first block (depending on LAYOUT) --Populated by load_scores() highscores = {false, false, false} --A table containing the game state, initialised by init_game() or --load_game(), see game_state = {} ----------------------------------- --Display and interface functions-- ----------------------------------- --Sets up a new game and display variables for the indicated --difficulty function init_game(difficulty) init_display_variables(difficulty) local state = {} local board_dimension = diff_to_dimension(difficulty) state["selected_colour"] = 1 state["move_number"] = 0 state["difficulty"] = difficulty state["board"] = generate_board(board_dimension, rb.current_tick()+os.time()) rb.splash(1, "Calculating par...") --Will stay on screen until it's done state["par"] = calculate_par(state["board"]) return state end --Initialises the display variables for the screen LAYOUT function init_display_variables(difficulty) local board_dimension = diff_to_dimension(difficulty) if LAYOUT == 1 then block_width = rb.LCD_HEIGHT / board_dimension chooser_start_pos = (board_dimension)*block_width + 2 chooser_width = rb.LCD_WIDTH - chooser_start_pos chooser_height = (rb.LCD_HEIGHT - 3*TEXT_LINE_HEIGHT) / NUM_COLOURS elseif LAYOUT == 2 then block_width = rb.LCD_WIDTH / board_dimension chooser_start_pos = board_dimension*block_width + 2 + TEXT_LINE_HEIGHT chooser_width = rb.LCD_WIDTH / NUM_COLOURS chooser_height = rb.LCD_HEIGHT - chooser_start_pos else if TEXT_LINE_HEIGHT > 9 then block_width = (rb.LCD_HEIGHT - TEXT_LINE_HEIGHT) / board_dimension else block_width = (rb.LCD_HEIGHT - 9) / board_dimension end chooser_start_pos = (board_dimension)*block_width + 1 chooser_width = rb.LCD_WIDTH - chooser_start_pos chooser_height = (rb.LCD_HEIGHT - TEXT_LINE_HEIGHT) / NUM_COLOURS end end --Draws the game board to screen function draw_board(board) for x,col in pairs(board) do for y,value in pairs(col) do rb.lcd_set_foreground(COLOURS[value]) rb.lcd_fillrect((x-1)*block_width, (y-1)*block_width, block_width, block_width) end end end --Draw the colour chooser along with selected pip at the appropriate --position function draw_chooser(selected_colour) for i=1,NUM_COLOURS do rb.lcd_set_foreground(COLOURS[i]) if LAYOUT == 1 or LAYOUT == 3 then rb.lcd_fillrect(chooser_start_pos, (i - 1)*(chooser_height), chooser_width, chooser_height) elseif LAYOUT == 2 then rb.lcd_fillrect((i - 1)*(chooser_width), chooser_start_pos, chooser_width, chooser_height) end end rb.lcd_set_foreground(PIP_COLOURS[selected_colour]) local xpos = 0 local ypos = 0 if LAYOUT == 1 or LAYOUT == 3 then xpos = chooser_start_pos + (chooser_width - chooser_pip_dimension)/2 ypos = (selected_colour-1)*(chooser_height) + (chooser_height - chooser_pip_dimension)/2 elseif LAYOUT == 2 then xpos = (selected_colour-1)*(chooser_width) + (chooser_width - chooser_pip_dimension)/2 ypos = chooser_start_pos + (chooser_height - chooser_pip_dimension)/2 end rb.lcd_fillrect(xpos, ypos, chooser_pip_dimension, chooser_pip_dimension) end --Draws the current moves, par and high score function draw_status(move_number, par, highscore) local strings = {"Move", move_number, "Par", par} if highscore then table.insert(strings, "Best") table.insert(strings, highscore) end if LAYOUT == 1 then local function calc_string(var_len_str, static_str) local avail_width = chooser_width - rb.font_getstringsize(static_str, rb.FONT_UI) local rtn_str = "" for i=1,string.len(var_len_str) do local c = string.sub(var_len_str, i, i) local curr_width = rb.font_getstringsize(rtn_str, rb.FONT_UI) local width = rb.font_getstringsize(c, rb.FONT_UI) if curr_width + width <= avail_width then rtn_str = rtn_str .. c else break end end return rtn_str, rb.font_getstringsize(rtn_str, rb.FONT_UI) end local height = NUM_COLOURS*chooser_height colon_width = rb.font_getstringsize(": ", rb.FONT_UI) for i = 1,table.getn(strings),2 do local label, label_width = calc_string(strings[i], ": "..strings[i+1]) rb.lcd_set_foreground(rb.lcd_rgbpack(255,0,0)) rb.lcd_putsxy(chooser_start_pos, height, label..": ") rb.lcd_set_foreground(rb.lcd_rgbpack(255,255,255)) rb.lcd_putsxy(chooser_start_pos + label_width + colon_width, height, strings[i+1]) height = height + TEXT_LINE_HEIGHT end else local text_ypos = 0 if LAYOUT == 2 then text_ypos = chooser_start_pos - TEXT_LINE_HEIGHT - 1 else text_ypos = rb.LCD_HEIGHT - TEXT_LINE_HEIGHT end space_width = rb.font_getstringsize(" ", rb.FONT_UI) local xpos = 0 for i = 1,table.getn(strings),2 do rb.lcd_set_foreground(rb.lcd_rgbpack(255,0,0)) rb.lcd_putsxy(xpos, text_ypos, strings[i]..": ") xpos = xpos + rb.font_getstringsize(strings[i]..": ", rb.FONT_UI) rb.lcd_set_foreground(rb.lcd_rgbpack(255,255,255)) rb.lcd_putsxy(xpos, text_ypos, strings[i+1]) xpos = xpos + rb.font_getstringsize(strings[i+1], rb.FONT_UI) + space_width end end end --Convenience function to redraw the whole board to screen function redraw_game(game_state, highscores) rb.lcd_clear_display() draw_board(game_state["board"]) draw_chooser(game_state["selected_colour"]) draw_status(game_state["move_number"], game_state["par"], highscores[game_state["difficulty"]]) rb.lcd_update() end --Draws help to screen, waits for a keypress to exit function app_help() rb.lcd_clear_display() local title = "Pixel painter help" local rtn, title_width, h = rb.font_getstringsize(title, rb.FONT_UI) local title_xpos = (rb.LCD_WIDTH - title_width) / 2 local space_width = rb.font_getstringsize(" ", rb.FONT_UI) --Draw title function draw_text(y_offset) rb.lcd_set_foreground(rb.lcd_rgbpack(255,0,0)) rb.lcd_putsxy(title_xpos, y_offset, title) rb.lcd_hline(title_xpos, title_xpos + title_width, TEXT_LINE_HEIGHT + y_offset) rb.lcd_set_foreground(rb.lcd_rgbpack(255,255,255)) local body_text = [[ The aim is to fill the screen with a single colour. Each move you select a new colour which is then filled in from the top left corner. The bottom right displays the number of moves taken, the number of moves used by the computer and your best score relative to the computer's. ]] local body_len = string.len(body_text) --Draw body text local word_buffer = "" local xpos = 0 local ypos = TEXT_LINE_HEIGHT * 2 for i=1,body_len do local c = string.sub(body_text, i, i) if c == " " or c == "\n" then local word_length = rb.font_getstringsize(word_buffer, rb.FONT_UI) if (xpos + word_length) > rb.LCD_WIDTH then xpos = 0 ypos = ypos + TEXT_LINE_HEIGHT end rb.lcd_putsxy(xpos, ypos + y_offset, word_buffer) word_buffer = "" if c == "\n" then xpos = 0 ypos = ypos + TEXT_LINE_HEIGHT else xpos = xpos + word_length + space_width end else word_buffer = word_buffer .. c end end rb.lcd_update() return ypos end --Deal with scrolling the help local y_offset = 0 local max_y_offset = math.max(draw_text(y_offset) - rb.LCD_HEIGHT, 0) local exit = false repeat local action = rb.get_plugin_action(0) if action == rb.actions.PLA_DOWN then y_offset = math.max(-max_y_offset, y_offset - TEXT_LINE_HEIGHT) elseif action == rb.actions.PLA_UP then y_offset = math.min(0, y_offset + TEXT_LINE_HEIGHT) elseif action == rb.actions.PLA_LEFT or action == rb.actions.PLA_RIGHT or action == rb.actions.PLA_SELECT or action == rb.actions.PLA_EXIT or action == rb.actions.PLA_CANCEL then --This explicit enumeration is needed for targets like --the iriver which send more than one action when --scrolling exit = true end rb.lcd_clear_display() draw_text(y_offset) until exit == true end --Draws the application menu and handles its logic function app_menu() local options = {"Resume game", "Start new game", "Change difficulty", "Help", "Quit without saving", "Quit"} local item = rb.do_menu("Pixel painter menu", options, nil, false) if item == 0 then redraw_game(game_state, highscores) elseif item == 1 then os.remove(SAVE_FILE) game_state = init_game(game_state["difficulty"]) redraw_game(game_state, highscores) elseif item == 2 then local diff = rb.do_menu("Difficulty", {"Easy", "Medium", "Hard"}, game_state["difficulty"] - 1, false) if diff < 0 then app_menu() else local difficulty = diff + 1 --lua is 1 indexed os.remove(SAVE_FILE) game_state = init_game(difficulty) redraw_game(game_state, highscores) end elseif item == 3 then app_help() redraw_game(game_state, highscores) elseif item == 4 then os.remove(SAVE_FILE) os.exit() elseif item == 5 then rb.splash(1, "Saving game...") --Will stay on screen till the app exits save_game(game_state,SAVE_FILE) os.exit() end end --Determine what victory text to show depending on the relation of the --score to the calculated par value function win_text(delta) if delta < 0 then return "You were "..(-1*delta).." under par" elseif delta > 0 then return "You were "..delta.." over par" else return "You attained par" end end ------------------ --Game main loop-- ------------------ --Gives the option of testing things without running the game, use: --as_library=true --dofile('pixel-painter.lua') if not as_library then game_state = load_game(SAVE_FILE) if game_state then init_display_variables(game_state["difficulty"]) else game_state = init_game(DEFAULT_DIFFICULTY) end loaded_scores = load_scores(SCORES_FILE) if loaded_scores then highscores = loaded_scores end redraw_game(game_state, highscores) require("actions") --Set the keys to use for scrolling the chooser if LAYOUT == 1 or LAYOUT == 3 then -- landscape and square screens prev_action = rb.actions.PLA_UP prev_action_repeat = rb.actions.PLA_UP_REPEAT next_action = rb.actions.PLA_DOWN next_action_repeat = rb.actions.PLA_DOWN_REPEAT else -- portrait screens prev_action = rb.actions.PLA_LEFT prev_action_repeat = rb.actions.PLA_LEFT_REPEAT next_action = rb.actions.PLA_RIGHT next_action_repeat = rb.actions.PLA_RIGHT_REPEAT end repeat local action = rb.get_plugin_action(-1) -- TIMEOUT_BLOCK if action == rb.actions.PLA_SELECT then --Ensure the user has changed the colour before allowing move --TODO: Check that the move would change the board if game_state["selected_colour"] ~= game_state["board"][1][1] then fill_board(game_state["board"], game_state["selected_colour"], 1, 1, game_state["board"][1][1]) game_state["move_number"] = game_state["move_number"] + 1 redraw_game(game_state, highscores) if check_win(game_state["board"]) then local par_diff = game_state["move_number"] - game_state["par"] if not highscores[game_state["difficulty"]] or par_diff < highscores[game_state["difficulty"]] then -- rb.splash(3*rb.HZ, win_text(par_diff)..", a new high score!") highscores[game_state["difficulty"]] = par_diff save_scores(highscores, SCORES_FILE) else rb.splash(3*rb.HZ, win_text(par_diff)..".") end os.remove(SAVE_FILE) os.exit() end else --Will stay on screen until they move rb.splash(1, "Invalid move (wouldn't change board). Change colour to continue.") end elseif action == next_action or action == next_action_repeat then if game_state["selected_colour"] < NUM_COLOURS then game_state["selected_colour"] = game_state["selected_colour"] + 1 else game_state["selected_colour"] = 1 end redraw_game(game_state, highscores) elseif action == prev_action or action == prev_action_repeat then if game_state["selected_colour"] > 1 then game_state["selected_colour"] = game_state["selected_colour"] - 1 else game_state["selected_colour"] = NUM_COLOURS end redraw_game(game_state, highscores) elseif action == rb.actions.PLA_CANCEL then app_menu() end until action == rb.actions.PLA_EXIT --This is executed if the user presses PLA_EXIT rb.splash(1, "Saving game...") --Will stay on screen till the app exits save_game(game_state,SAVE_FILE) end end