/* tables for the scalefactor decoding */ /* scaled by 2^31*/ static const int32_t iMaxQuant_fix[8] ICONST_ATTR = { 0x0, 0x55555580, 0x33333340, 0x24924940, 0x1c71c720, 0x11111120, 0x8421080, 0x4104108 }; /* scaled by 2^16 */ static const int32_t SFTable_fixed[64] ICONST_ATTR = { 0x00000800, 0x00000a14, 0x00000cb3, 0x00001000, 0x00001429, 0x00001966, 0x00002000, 0x00002851, 0x000032cc, 0x00004000, 0x000050a3, 0x00006598, 0x00008000, 0x0000a145, 0x0000cb30, 0x00010000, 0x0001428a, 0x00019660, 0x00020000, 0x00028514, 0x00032cc0, 0x00040000, 0x00050a29, 0x00065980, 0x00080000, 0x000a1452, 0x000cb2ff, 0x00100000, 0x001428a3, 0x001965ff, 0x00200000, 0x00285146, 0x0032cbfd, 0x00400000, 0x0050a28c, 0x006597fb, 0x00800000, 0x00a14518, 0x00cb2ff5, 0x01000000, 0x01428a30, 0x01965fea, 0x02000000, 0x02851460, 0x032cbfd4, 0x04000000, 0x050a28c0, 0x06597fa8, 0x08000000, 0x0a145180, 0x0cb2ff50, 0x10000000, 0x1428a300, 0x1965fea0, 0x20000000, 0x28514600, 0x32cbfd40, 0x40000000, 0x50a28c00, 0x6597fa80, 0x80000000, 0x80000000, 0x80000000, 0x80000000, }; /* transform data */ /* floating point values scaled by 2^31 */ static const int32_t qmf_48tap_half_fix[24] ICONST_ATTR = { 0xffff855e, 0xfffcfbca, 0xfffe28eb, 0x0009de6b, 0x0007f028, 0xffe40d08, 0xffeef140, 0x0042a692, 0x0019ab1f, 0xff75dec7, 0xffe738f5, 0x0100e928, 0xfffdfedf, 0xfe478b84, 0x0050b279, 0x02c83f88, 0xff005ad7, 0xfba2ee80, 0x02685970, 0x06f42798, 0xfa6b6f10, 0xf3475f80, 0x10e7f7c0, 0x3b6c44c0 }; /* mdct window scaled by 2^31 */ /* Remark: The preceding sign corrects the sign of the hexadecimal values */ static const int32_t window_lookup[128] ICONST_ATTR = { -0xffffb10c, -0xfffd394b, -0xfff8494f, -0xfff0e025, -0xffe6fc5f, -0xffda9c15, -0xffcbbce6, -0xffba5bf4, -0xffa675e8, -0xff9006f0, -0xff770aba, -0xff5b7c7e, -0xff3d56f2, -0xff1c9452, -0xfef92e59, -0xfed31e45, -0xfeaa5cd5, -0xfe7ee247, -0xfe50a657, -0xfe1fa041, -0xfdebc6c1, -0xfdb5100d, -0xfd7b71d5, -0xfd3ee149, -0xfcff5311, -0xfcbcbb49, -0xfc770d99, -0xfc2e3d15, -0xfbe23c39, -0xfb92fd29, -0xfb407141, -0xfaea8989, -0xfa913661, -0xfa3467b1, -0xf9d40cd9, -0xf9701499, -0xf9086d41, -0xf89d04a9, -0xf82dc7f1, -0xf7baa3e1, -0xf74384b1, -0xf6c85611, -0xf6490321, -0xf5c576b1, -0xf53d9b21, -0xf4b15a01, -0xf4209ce1, -0xf38b4c71, -0xf2f15171, -0xf2529411, -0xf1aefbf1, -0xf10670a1, -0xf058d941, -0xefa61cc1, -0xeeee21c1, -0xee30cec1, -0xed6e0a41, -0xeca5ba61, -0xebd7c5c1, -0xeb041241, -0xea2a8601, -0xe94b0861, -0xe8657f61, -0xe779d241, -0xe687e861, -0xe58fa9e1, -0xe490fec1, -0xe38bd101, -0xe28009c1, -0xe16d93e1, -0xe0545ba1, -0xdf344dc1, -0xde0d5881, -0xdcdf6bc1, -0xdbaa7801, -0xda6e70c1, -0xd92b4ac1, -0xd7e0fc81, -0xd68f7ec1, -0xd536cd41, -0xd3d6e5c1, -0xd26fc901, -0xd10179c1, -0xcf8bff41, -0xce0f6301, -0xcc8bb241, -0xcb00fdc1, -0xc96f5b01, -0xc7d6e141, -0xc637af41, -0xc491e4c1, -0xc2e5a801, -0xc1332401, -0xbf7a8701, -0xbdbc0681, -0xbbf7da01, -0xba2e4181, -0xb85f7f81, -0xb68bde01, -0xb4b3a981, -0xb2d73781, -0xb0f6df01, -0xaf12ff01, -0xad2bfa81, -0xab423981, -0xa9562981, -0xa7683c01, -0xa578e701, -0xa388a681, -0xa197f801, -0x9fa75e81, -0x9db75f01, -0x9bc88201, -0x99db5301, -0x97f06001, -0x96083601, -0x94236601, -0x92427f81, -0x90661481, -0x8e8eb481, -0x8cbced01, -0x8af14d81, -0x892c5f81, -0x876eab01, -0x85b8b681, -0x840b0301, -0x82660c01, -0x80ca4a01, }; /* Gain tables scaled by 2^16 */ static const int32_t gain_tab1[16] ICONST_ATTR = { 0x00100000, 0x00080000, 0x00040000, 0x00020000, 0x00010000, 0x00008000, 0x00004000, 0x00002000, 0x00001000, 0x00000800, 0x00000400, 0x00000200, 0x00000100, 0x00000080, 0x00000040, 0x00000020, }; static const int32_t gain_tab2[31] ICONST_ATTR = { 0x0003ab03, 0x00035d14, 0x0003159d, 0x0002d414, 0x000297fb, 0x000260e0, 0x00022e57, 0x00020000, 0x0001d582, 0x0001ae8a, 0x00018ace, 0x00016a0a, 0x00014bfe, 0x00013070, 0x0001172c, 0x00010000, 0x0000eac1, 0x0000d745, 0x0000c567, 0x0000b505, 0x0000a5ff, 0x00009838, 0x00008b96, 0x00008000, 0x00007560, 0x00006ba2, 0x000062b4, 0x00005a82, 0x000052ff, 0x00004c1c, 0x000045cb, }; /* Joint-Stereo related tables, scaled by 2^16 */ static const int32_t matrixCoeffs_fix[8] ICONST_ATTR = { 0x00000000, 0x00020000, 0x00020000, 0x00020000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00010000, 0x00010000, };