import React from 'react' import Layout from '../components/layout' import { Project } from '../components/project' import camera from '../images/camera.png' import gpsMonitor from '../images/gps-monitor.png' import slask from '../images/slask.png' import cnakedTestSuite from '../images/cnaked-test-suite.png' import naiveChat from '../images/naive-chat.png' export const projects = [ { name: 'sunlight-theme', url: '', brief: 'A theme provider for current level of sunlight', date: 'April 2019', projectDetails: [ { listItems: [ <> Component to provide the level of sunlight to all children using{' '} emotion-theming , <> Support for mapping sunlight level to theme (middleware{' '} prop) , <> Small wrapper around{' '} use-sunlight ] } ] }, { name: 'use-sunlight', url: '', brief: 'A React hook for the current level of sunlight', date: 'March 2019', showOnCv: true, projectDetails: [ { listItems: [ <> Based on{' '} useLocation , 'Tested with Storybook and Jest', <> Useful for theme providers such as{' '} emotion-theming ] } ] }, { name: 'cnaked', brief: ( <> A Battlesnake so close to the metal, 6 CVEs have been opened while reading ), date: 'Feb 2019 - Present', url: '', projectDetails: [ { listItems: [ `Prototype for Battlesnake 2019, will be entered in contest in 2020`, `Dangerously close to the metal`, `All in on test driven development`, 'Likely to be re-written in Rust' ], images: [ { imgUrl: cnakedTestSuite, caption: 'cnaked Test Suite' } ] } ] }, { name: 'naive', brief: 'A naive implementation of a NoSQL database', date: 'Jan 2019 - Present', projectDetails: [ { listItems: [ 'Designed to mimic the Firebase Realtime Database API', 'Written in TypeScript for the browser and Node', 'Code organized as monorepo with independent builds and integration tests', 'Can be used with a local filesystem or remote filesystem', `Persisted in a static JSON file (don't use this in prod)` ], images: [ { imgUrl: naiveChat, caption: 'Chat Client Using Naive' } ] } ], url: '' }, { name: 'Pipefitter', brief: 'Automated audits and monitoring for your ISP', date: 'Nov 2018 - Present', desc: `My home internet performance is consistently below spec and my ISP never believes me. Hopefully they will soon. Designed for maximum plug-ability.`, url: '' }, { name: 'funCtional', brief: 'Functional programming in C with statically allocated memory', date: 'Aug 2018', desc: `I like functional programming and I like C, so I tried to combine the two. In reality, a simple for loop is better, but I had fun trying this.`, inProd: true, url: '' }, { name: 'Legato Storage Service', brief: 'Non-volatile time series data storage', date: 'Jun 2018 - Feb 2019', desc: `A service that provide non-volatile storage for time series data. All reads and writes are multi-process safe so this service is useful for when one service is logging data and another is sending data.`, url: '' }, { name: 'Legato GPS Monitor', showOnCv: true, brief: 'Monitor GPS in a separate process to avoid blocking single threaded apps', date: 'April 2018', projectDetails: [ { listItems: [ 'Allow single threaded apps to read the latest position without blocking', 'Dynamically poll and cache GPS location based on accuracy', 'Expose GPS API as synchronous methods reading from cache' ], images: [ { imgUrl: gpsMonitor, caption: 'GPS Monitor with BRNKL App', noShadow: true } ] } ], inProd: true, url: '' }, { name: 'CF3 Config App', brief: 'Automatically configure common settings for CF3 based modules', date: 'April 2018', desc: `Automatically configure Sierra Wireless CF3 based modules for common GPIO and UART configurations.`, inProd: true, url: '' }, { name: 'Legato Camera Driver', brief: 'Support for the VC0706 camera on a Legato based project', date: 'Nov 2017 - Dec 2017', projectDetails: [ { listItems: [ 'Port of an Arduino style driver to Linux', 'Integrated with Sierra Wireless Legato Framework', 'In use with Sierra Wireless customers (see forums)' ], images: [ { imgUrl: camera, caption: 'Camera Driver with BRNKL App', noShadow: true } ] } ], inProd: true, url: '', showOnCv: true }, { name: 'ccss', brief: 'A slightly more polite variant of CSS', date: 'Jul 2017', desc: `ccss transforms the correct spelling of colour to color in your CSS. This was intended to be part one of a series of awful CSS transforms.`, url: '' }, { name: 'slask', brief: 'A lightweight log viewer and server all in one', date: 'March 2017 - Present', url: '', projectDetails: [ { listItems: [ 'Log server implemented run in Node', 'Log client implemented with React', 'Support for custom configs and custom log parsing' ], images: [ { imgUrl: slask, caption: 'slask Client Screenshot' } ] } ] }, { name: 'IE Media Queries', brief: 'Support media queries in Internet Explorer 8', date: 'April 2013', desc: `IE Media Queries is a Javascript polyfill for Internet Explorer 8's lack of media query support. IE8 is more or less dead and unsupported, but I still enjoyed re-creating unsupported functionality`, url: '' }, { name: 'times-table-tester', brief: 'Code is easier than mental math', date: 'March 2007', url: '', desc: 'In 6th grade I made command line app to quiz myself on times tables.' } ] export default () => ( { => ( ))} )