/*************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2008-2010 by Andrzej Rybczak * * electricityispower@gmail.com * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program; if not, write to the * * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * * 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * ***************************************************************************/ #include #include "display.h" #include "global.h" #include "helpers.h" #include "menu.h" #include "playlist.h" #include "song.h" #include "status.h" using Global::MainHeight; using Global::MainStartY; Playlist *myPlaylist = new Playlist; bool Playlist::ReloadTotalLength = 0; bool Playlist::ReloadRemaining = 0; bool Playlist::BlockNowPlayingUpdate = 0; bool Playlist::BlockUpdate = 0; const size_t Playlist::SortOptions = 10; const size_t Playlist::SortDialogWidth = 30; size_t Playlist::SortDialogHeight; Menu< std::pair > *Playlist::SortDialog = 0; void Playlist::Init() { static Display::ScreenFormat sf = { this, &Config.song_list_format }; Items = new Menu(0, MainStartY, COLS, MainHeight, Config.columns_in_playlist ? Display::Columns() : "", Config.main_color, brNone); Items->CyclicScrolling(Config.use_cyclic_scrolling); Items->CenteredCursor(Config.centered_cursor); Items->HighlightColor(Config.main_highlight_color); Items->SetSelectPrefix(&Config.selected_item_prefix); Items->SetSelectSuffix(&Config.selected_item_suffix); Items->SetItemDisplayer(Config.columns_in_playlist ? Display::SongsInColumns : Display::Songs); Items->SetItemDisplayerUserData(&sf); Items->SetGetStringFunction(Config.columns_in_playlist ? SongInColumnsToString : SongToString); Items->SetGetStringFunctionUserData(&Config.song_list_format); if (!SortDialog) { SortDialogHeight = std::min(int(MainHeight), 18); SortDialog = new Menu< std::pair >((COLS-SortDialogWidth)/2, (MainHeight-SortDialogHeight)/2+MainStartY, SortDialogWidth, SortDialogHeight, "Sort songs by...", Config.main_color, Config.window_border); SortDialog->CyclicScrolling(Config.use_cyclic_scrolling); SortDialog->CenteredCursor(Config.centered_cursor); SortDialog->SetItemDisplayer(Display::Pairs); SortDialog->AddOption(std::make_pair("Artist", &MPD::Song::GetArtist)); SortDialog->AddOption(std::make_pair("Album", &MPD::Song::GetAlbum)); SortDialog->AddOption(std::make_pair("Disc", &MPD::Song::GetDisc)); SortDialog->AddOption(std::make_pair("Track", &MPD::Song::GetTrack)); SortDialog->AddOption(std::make_pair("Genre", &MPD::Song::GetGenre)); SortDialog->AddOption(std::make_pair("Year", &MPD::Song::GetDate)); SortDialog->AddOption(std::make_pair("Composer", &MPD::Song::GetComposer)); SortDialog->AddOption(std::make_pair("Performer", &MPD::Song::GetPerformer)); SortDialog->AddOption(std::make_pair("Title", &MPD::Song::GetTitle)); SortDialog->AddOption(std::make_pair("Filename", &MPD::Song::GetFile)); SortDialog->AddSeparator(); SortDialog->AddOption(std::make_pair("Sort", static_cast(0))); SortDialog->AddOption(std::make_pair("Reverse", static_cast(0))); SortDialog->AddOption(std::make_pair("Cancel", static_cast(0))); } w = Items; isInitialized = 1; } void Playlist::SwitchTo() { using Global::myScreen; if (myScreen == this) return; if (!isInitialized) Init(); itsScrollBegin = 0; if (hasToBeResized) Resize(); if (myScreen != this && myScreen->isTabbable()) Global::myPrevScreen = myScreen; myScreen = this; Items->Window::Clear(); EnableHighlighting(); if (w != Items) // even if sorting window is active, background has to be refreshed anyway Items->Display(); Global::RedrawHeader = 1; } void Playlist::Resize() { Items->Resize(COLS, MainHeight); Items->MoveTo(0, MainStartY); Items->SetTitle(Config.columns_in_playlist ? Display::Columns() : ""); if (w == SortDialog) // if sorting window is active, playlist needs refreshing Items->Display(); SortDialogHeight = std::min(int(MainHeight), 18); if (Items->GetWidth() >= SortDialogWidth && MainHeight >= 5) { SortDialog->Resize(SortDialogWidth, SortDialogHeight); SortDialog->MoveTo((COLS-SortDialogWidth)/2, (MainHeight-SortDialogHeight)/2+MainStartY); } else // if screen is too low to display sorting window, fall back to items list w = Items; hasToBeResized = 0; } std::basic_string Playlist::Title() { std::basic_string result = U("Playlist "); if (ReloadTotalLength || ReloadRemaining) itsBufferedStats = TotalLength(); result += Scroller(TO_WSTRING(itsBufferedStats), itsScrollBegin, Items->GetWidth()-result.length()-(Config.new_design ? 2 : Global::VolumeState.length())); return result; } void Playlist::EnterPressed() { if (w == Items) { if (!Items->Empty()) { Mpd.PlayID(Items->Current().GetID()); Global::UpdateStatusImmediately = 1; } } else if (w == SortDialog) { size_t pos = SortDialog->Choice(); size_t beginning = 0; size_t end = Items->Size(); if (Items->hasSelected()) { std::vector list; Items->GetSelected(list); beginning = *list.begin(); end = *list.rbegin()+1; } if (pos > SortOptions) { if (pos == SortOptions+2) // reverse { BlockUpdate = 1; ShowMessage("Reversing playlist order..."); Mpd.StartCommandsList(); for (size_t i = beginning, j = end-1; i < (beginning+end)/2; ++i, --j) { Mpd.Swap(i, j); Items->Swap(i, j); } ShowMessage(Mpd.CommitCommandsList() ? "Playlist reversed!" : "Error while reversing playlist!"); w = Items; return; } else if (pos == SortOptions+3) // cancel { w = Items; return; } } else { ShowMessage("Move tag types up and down to adjust sort order"); return; } ShowMessage("Sorting playlist..."); MPD::SongList playlist, cmp; playlist.reserve(end-beginning); for (size_t i = beginning; i < end; ++i) { (*Items)[i].SetPosition(i); playlist.push_back(&(*Items)[i]); } cmp = playlist; sort(playlist.begin(), playlist.end(), Playlist::Sorting); if (playlist == cmp) { ShowMessage("Playlist is already sorted"); return; } BlockUpdate = 1; Mpd.StartCommandsList(); do { for (size_t i = 0, j = beginning; i < playlist.size(); ++i, ++j) { if (playlist[i]->GetPosition() > j) { Mpd.Swap(playlist[i]->GetPosition(), j); std::swap(cmp[playlist[i]->GetPosition()-beginning], cmp[i]); Items->Swap(playlist[i]->GetPosition(), j); } cmp[i]->SetPosition(j); } } while (playlist != cmp); ShowMessage(Mpd.CommitCommandsList() ? "Playlist sorted!" : "Error while sorting playlist!"); w = Items; } } void Playlist::SpacePressed() { if (w == Items && !Items->Empty()) { Items->Select(Items->Choice(), !Items->isSelected()); Items->Scroll(wDown); } } void Playlist::ReadKey(int &key) { w->ReadKey(key); UpdateTimer(); } void Playlist::MouseButtonPressed(MEVENT me) { if (w == Items && !Items->Empty() && Items->hasCoords(me.x, me.y)) { if (size_t(me.y) < Items->Size() && (me.bstate & (BUTTON1_PRESSED | BUTTON3_PRESSED))) { Items->Goto(me.y); if (me.bstate & BUTTON3_PRESSED) EnterPressed(); } else Screen::MouseButtonPressed(me); } else if (w == SortDialog && SortDialog->hasCoords(me.x, me.y)) { if (me.bstate & (BUTTON1_PRESSED | BUTTON3_PRESSED)) { SortDialog->Goto(me.y); if (me.bstate & BUTTON3_PRESSED) EnterPressed(); } else Screen::MouseButtonPressed(me); } } MPD::Song *Playlist::CurrentSong() { return w == Items && !Items->Empty() ? &Items->Current() : 0; } void Playlist::GetSelectedSongs(MPD::SongList &v) { if (myPlaylist->Items->Empty()) return; std::vector selected; Items->GetSelected(selected); if (selected.empty()) selected.push_back(Items->Choice()); for (std::vector::const_iterator it = selected.begin(); it != selected.end(); ++it) v.push_back(new MPD::Song(Items->at(*it))); } void Playlist::ApplyFilter(const std::string &s) { if (w == Items) Items->ApplyFilter(s, 0, REG_ICASE | Config.regex_type); } void Playlist::Sort() { if (Items->GetWidth() < SortDialogWidth || MainHeight < 5) ShowMessage("Screen is too small to display dialog window!"); else { SortDialog->Reset(); w = SortDialog; } } void Playlist::AdjustSortOrder(int key) { if (Keypressed(key, Key.MvSongUp)) { size_t pos = SortDialog->Choice(); if (pos > 0 && pos < SortOptions) { SortDialog->Swap(pos, pos-1); SortDialog->Scroll(wUp); } } else if (Keypressed(key, Key.MvSongDown)) { size_t pos = SortDialog->Choice(); if (pos < SortOptions-1) { SortDialog->Swap(pos, pos+1); SortDialog->Scroll(wDown); } } } void Playlist::FixPositions(size_t beginning) { bool was_filtered = Items->isFiltered(); Items->ShowAll(); for (size_t i = beginning; i < Items->Size(); ++i) (*Items)[i].SetPosition(i); if (was_filtered) Items->ShowFiltered(); } void Playlist::EnableHighlighting() { Items->Highlighting(1); UpdateTimer(); } bool Playlist::Sorting(MPD::Song *a, MPD::Song *b) { CaseInsensitiveStringComparison cmp; for (size_t i = 0; i < SortOptions; ++i) if (int ret = cmp(a->GetTags((*SortDialog)[i].second), b->GetTags((*SortDialog)[i].second))) return ret < 0; return a->GetPosition() < b->GetPosition(); } std::string Playlist::TotalLength() { std::ostringstream result; if (ReloadTotalLength) { itsTotalLength = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < Items->Size(); ++i) itsTotalLength += (*Items)[i].GetTotalLength(); ReloadTotalLength = 0; } if (Config.playlist_show_remaining_time && ReloadRemaining && !Items->isFiltered()) { itsRemainingTime = 0; for (size_t i = NowPlaying; i < Items->Size(); ++i) itsRemainingTime += (*Items)[i].GetTotalLength(); ReloadRemaining = 0; } result << '(' << Items->Size() << (Items->Size() == 1 ? " item" : " items"); if (Items->isFiltered()) { Items->ShowAll(); size_t real_size = Items->Size(); Items->ShowFiltered(); if (Items->Size() != real_size) result << " (out of " << Mpd.GetPlaylistLength() << ")"; } if (itsTotalLength) { result << ", length: "; ShowTime(result, itsTotalLength, Config.playlist_shorten_total_times); } if (Config.playlist_show_remaining_time && itsRemainingTime && !Items->isFiltered() && Items->Size() > 1) { result << " :: remaining: "; ShowTime(result, itsRemainingTime, Config.playlist_shorten_total_times); } result << ')'; return result.str(); } const MPD::Song *Playlist::NowPlayingSong() { bool was_filtered = Items->isFiltered(); Items->ShowAll(); const MPD::Song *s = isPlaying() ? &Items->at(NowPlaying) : 0; if (was_filtered) Items->ShowFiltered(); return s; } std::string Playlist::SongToString(const MPD::Song &s, void *data) { return s.toString(*static_cast(data)); } std::string Playlist::SongInColumnsToString(const MPD::Song &s, void *) { return s.toString(Config.song_in_columns_to_string_format); } bool Playlist::Add(const MPD::Song &s, bool in_playlist, bool play, int position) { Global::BlockItemListUpdate = 1; if (Config.ncmpc_like_songs_adding && in_playlist) { unsigned hash = s.GetHash(); if (play) { for (size_t i = 0; i < Items->Size(); ++i) { if (Items->at(i).GetHash() == hash) { Mpd.Play(i); break; } } return true; } else { Playlist::BlockUpdate = 1; Mpd.StartCommandsList(); for (size_t i = 0; i < Items->Size(); ++i) { if ((*Items)[i].GetHash() == hash) { Mpd.Delete(i); Items->DeleteOption(i); i--; } } Mpd.CommitCommandsList(); Playlist::BlockUpdate = 0; return false; } } else { int id = Mpd.AddSong(s, position); if (id >= 0) { ShowMessage("Added to playlist: %s", s.toString(Config.song_status_format_no_colors).c_str()); if (play) Mpd.PlayID(id); return true; } else return false; } } bool Playlist::Add(const MPD::SongList &l, bool play, int position) { if (l.empty()) return false; size_t old_playlist_size = Items->Size(); Mpd.StartCommandsList(); MPD::SongList::const_iterator it = l.begin(); if (position < 0) { for (; it != l.end(); ++it) if (Mpd.AddSong(**it) < 0) break; } else { MPD::SongList::const_reverse_iterator j = l.rbegin(); for (; j != l.rend(); ++j) if (Mpd.AddSong(**j, position) < 0) break; } if (!Mpd.CommitCommandsList()) return false; if (play && old_playlist_size < Items->Size()) Mpd.Play(old_playlist_size); if (position < 0 && Items->Back().GetHash() != l.back()->GetHash()) { if (it != l.begin()) ShowMessage("%s", MPD::Message::PartOfSongsAdded); return false; } else return true; }