/*************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2008-2014 by Andrzej Rybczak * * electricityispower@gmail.com * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program; if not, write to the * * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * * 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * ***************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include "display.h" #include "global.h" #include "helpers.h" #include "menu.h" #include "playlist.h" #include "regex_filter.h" #include "screen_switcher.h" #include "song.h" #include "status.h" #include "statusbar.h" #include "utility/comparators.h" #include "title.h" using Global::MainHeight; using Global::MainStartY; Playlist *myPlaylist; bool Playlist::ReloadTotalLength = 0; bool Playlist::ReloadRemaining = false; namespace {// std::string songToString(const MPD::Song &s); bool playlistEntryMatcher(const boost::regex &rx, const MPD::Song &s); } Playlist::Playlist() : itsTotalLength(0), itsRemainingTime(0), itsScrollBegin(0), m_old_playlist_version(0) { w = NC::Menu(0, MainStartY, COLS, MainHeight, Config.columns_in_playlist && Config.titles_visibility ? Display::Columns(COLS) : "", Config.main_color, NC::Border::None); w.cyclicScrolling(Config.use_cyclic_scrolling); w.centeredCursor(Config.centered_cursor); w.setHighlightColor(Config.main_highlight_color); w.setSelectedPrefix(Config.selected_item_prefix); w.setSelectedSuffix(Config.selected_item_suffix); if (Config.columns_in_playlist) w.setItemDisplayer(boost::bind(Display::SongsInColumns, _1, proxySongList())); else w.setItemDisplayer(boost::bind(Display::Songs, _1, proxySongList(), Config.song_list_format)); } void Playlist::switchTo() { SwitchTo::execute(this); itsScrollBegin = 0; EnableHighlighting(); drawHeader(); } void Playlist::resize() { size_t x_offset, width; getWindowResizeParams(x_offset, width); w.resize(width, MainHeight); w.moveTo(x_offset, MainStartY); if (Config.columns_in_playlist && Config.titles_visibility) w.setTitle(Display::Columns(w.getWidth())); else w.setTitle(""); hasToBeResized = 0; } std::wstring Playlist::title() { std::wstring result = L"Playlist "; if (ReloadTotalLength || ReloadRemaining) itsBufferedStats = TotalLength(); result += Scroller(ToWString(itsBufferedStats), itsScrollBegin, COLS-result.length()-(Config.new_design ? 2 : Global::VolumeState.length())); return result; } void Playlist::enterPressed() { if (!w.empty()) Mpd.PlayID(w.current().value().getID()); } void Playlist::spacePressed() { if (!w.empty()) { w.current().setSelected(!w.current().isSelected()); w.scroll(NC::Scroll::Down); } } void Playlist::mouseButtonPressed(MEVENT me) { if (!w.empty() && w.hasCoords(me.x, me.y)) { if (size_t(me.y) < w.size() && (me.bstate & (BUTTON1_PRESSED | BUTTON3_PRESSED))) { w.Goto(me.y); if (me.bstate & BUTTON3_PRESSED) enterPressed(); } else Screen::mouseButtonPressed(me); } } /***********************************************************************/ bool Playlist::allowsFiltering() { return true; } std::string Playlist::currentFilter() { return RegexFilter::currentFilter(w); } void Playlist::applyFilter(const std::string &filter) { if (filter.empty()) { w.clearFilter(); w.clearFilterResults(); return; } try { w.showAll(); auto rx = RegexFilter( boost::regex(filter, Config.regex_type), playlistEntryMatcher); w.filter(w.begin(), w.end(), rx); } catch (boost::bad_expression &) { } } /***********************************************************************/ bool Playlist::allowsSearching() { return true; } bool Playlist::search(const std::string &constraint) { if (constraint.empty()) { w.clearSearchResults(); return false; } try { auto rx = RegexFilter( boost::regex(constraint, Config.regex_type), playlistEntryMatcher); return w.search(w.begin(), w.end(), rx); } catch (boost::bad_expression &) { return false; } } void Playlist::nextFound(bool wrap) { w.nextFound(wrap); } void Playlist::prevFound(bool wrap) { w.prevFound(wrap); } /***********************************************************************/ ProxySongList Playlist::proxySongList() { return ProxySongList(w, [](NC::Menu::Item &item) { return &item.value(); }); } bool Playlist::allowsSelection() { return true; } void Playlist::reverseSelection() { reverseSelectionHelper(w.begin(), w.end()); } MPD::SongList Playlist::getSelectedSongs() { MPD::SongList result; for (auto it = w.begin(); it != w.end(); ++it) if (it->isSelected()) result.push_back(it->value()); if (result.empty() && !w.empty()) result.push_back(w.current().value()); return result; } /***********************************************************************/ MPD::Song Playlist::nowPlayingSong() { MPD::Song s; if (Status::State::player() != MPD::psStop) withUnfilteredMenu(w, [this, &s]() { s = w.at(currentSongPosition()).value(); }); return s; } bool Playlist::isFiltered() { if (w.isFiltered()) { Statusbar::print("Function currently unavailable due to filtered playlist"); return true; } return false; } void Playlist::Reverse() { Statusbar::print("Reversing playlist order..."); auto begin = w.begin(), end = w.end(); std::tie(begin, end) = getSelectedRange(begin, end); Mpd.StartCommandsList(); for (--end; begin < end; ++begin, --end) Mpd.Swap(begin->value().getPosition(), end->value().getPosition()); Mpd.CommitCommandsList(); Statusbar::print("Playlist reversed"); } void Playlist::EnableHighlighting() { w.setHighlighting(true); UpdateTimer(); } void Playlist::UpdateTimer() { std::time(&itsTimer); } std::string Playlist::TotalLength() { std::ostringstream result; if (ReloadTotalLength) { itsTotalLength = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < w.size(); ++i) itsTotalLength += w[i].value().getDuration(); ReloadTotalLength = 0; } if (Config.playlist_show_remaining_time && ReloadRemaining && !w.isFiltered()) { itsRemainingTime = 0; for (size_t i = currentSongPosition(); i < w.size(); ++i) itsRemainingTime += w[i].value().getDuration(); ReloadRemaining = false; } result << '(' << w.size() << (w.size() == 1 ? " item" : " items"); if (w.isFiltered()) { w.showAll(); size_t real_size = w.size(); w.showFiltered(); if (w.size() != real_size) result << " (out of " << real_size << ")"; } if (itsTotalLength) { result << ", length: "; ShowTime(result, itsTotalLength, Config.playlist_shorten_total_times); } if (Config.playlist_show_remaining_time && itsRemainingTime && !w.isFiltered() && w.size() > 1) { result << " :: remaining: "; ShowTime(result, itsRemainingTime, Config.playlist_shorten_total_times); } result << ')'; return result.str(); } void Playlist::SetSelectedItemsPriority(int prio) { auto list = getSelectedOrCurrent(w.begin(), w.end(), w.currentI()); Mpd.StartCommandsList(); for (auto it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it) Mpd.SetPriority((*it)->value(), prio); Mpd.CommitCommandsList(); Statusbar::print("Priority set"); } void Playlist::setStatus(MPD::Status status) { m_status = status; } unsigned Playlist::oldVersion() const { return m_old_playlist_version; } int Playlist::currentSongPosition() const { return m_status.empty() ? -1 : m_status.currentSongPosition(); } unsigned Playlist::currentSongLength() const { return m_status.empty() ? 0 : m_status.totalTime(); } bool Playlist::checkForSong(const MPD::Song &s) { return itsSongHashes.find(s.getHash()) != itsSongHashes.end(); } void Playlist::registerHash(size_t hash) { ++itsSongHashes[hash]; } void Playlist::unregisterHash(size_t hash) { auto it = itsSongHashes.find(hash); assert(it != itsSongHashes.end()); if (it->second == 1) itsSongHashes.erase(it); else --it->second; } namespace {// std::string songToString(const MPD::Song &s) { std::string result; if (Config.columns_in_playlist) result = s.toString(Config.song_in_columns_to_string_format, Config.tags_separator); else result = s.toString(Config.song_list_format_dollar_free, Config.tags_separator); return result; } bool playlistEntryMatcher(const boost::regex &rx, const MPD::Song &s) { return boost::regex_search(songToString(s), rx); } }