AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2018-09-25Adapt for different xmodem lib & debugymodemNick Van Doorn
Lots of logs and shit in here for debugging this thing. This also includes some changes to how flushing is done (after reverse engineering pyserial), but honestly I don't think it makes any difference (we'll see)
2018-09-25Try another xmodem library & log transferNick Van Doorn
Nasty hack in here to dump the sent content into a file as well. This was somewhat helpful for diff'ing an oracle value
2018-09-25Add binary files for MTK firmwareNick Van Doorn
2018-09-11Port upload to xmodem1kxmodem1kNick Van Doorn
2018-09-11Swap for xmodem1kNick Van Doorn
2018-09-11Include crcNick Van Doorn
2018-09-11Remove redundant close callxmodemNick Van Doorn
2018-09-10Initial commitNick Van Doorn