/* * Copyright 2003-2018 The Music Player Daemon Project * http://www.musicpd.org * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "Playlist.hxx" #include "Listener.hxx" #include "PlaylistError.hxx" #include "player/Control.hxx" #include "song/DetachedSong.hxx" #include "SingleMode.hxx" #include "Log.hxx" #include void playlist::TagModified(DetachedSong &&song) { if (!playing) return; assert(current >= 0); DetachedSong ¤t_song = queue.GetOrder(current); if (song.IsSame(current_song)) current_song.MoveTagItemsFrom(std::move(song)); queue.ModifyAtOrder(current); OnModified(); } void playlist::TagModified(const char *uri, const Tag &tag) noexcept { bool modified = false; for (unsigned i = 0; i < queue.length; ++i) { auto &song = *queue.items[i].song; if (song.IsURI(uri)) { song.SetTag(tag); queue.ModifyAtPosition(i); modified = true; } } if (modified) OnModified(); } inline void playlist::QueueSongOrder(PlayerControl &pc, unsigned order) { assert(queue.IsValidOrder(order)); queued = order; const DetachedSong &song = queue.GetOrder(order); FormatDebug(playlist_domain, "queue song %i:\"%s\"", queued, song.GetURI()); pc.LockEnqueueSong(std::make_unique(song)); } void playlist::SongStarted() { assert(current >= 0); /* reset a song's "priority" when playback starts */ if (queue.SetPriority(queue.OrderToPosition(current), 0, -1, false)) OnModified(); } inline void playlist::QueuedSongStarted(PlayerControl &pc) { assert(!pc.LockGetSyncInfo().has_next_song); assert(queued >= -1); assert(current >= 0); /* queued song has started: copy queued to current, and notify the clients */ const int old_current = current; current = queued; queued = -1; if (queue.consume) DeleteOrder(pc, old_current); listener.OnQueueSongStarted(); SongStarted(); } const DetachedSong * playlist::GetQueuedSong() const noexcept { return playing && queued >= 0 ? &queue.GetOrder(queued) : nullptr; } void playlist::UpdateQueuedSong(PlayerControl &pc, const DetachedSong *prev) { if (!playing) return; if (prev == nullptr && bulk_edit) /* postponed until CommitBulk() to avoid always queueing the first song that is being added (in random mode) */ return; assert(!queue.IsEmpty()); assert((queued < 0) == (prev == nullptr)); const int next_order = current >= 0 ? queue.GetNextOrder(current) : 0; if (next_order == 0 && queue.random && queue.single == SingleMode::OFF) { /* shuffle the song order again, so we get a different order each time the playlist is played completely */ const unsigned current_position = queue.OrderToPosition(current); queue.ShuffleOrder(); /* make sure that the current still points to the current song, after the song order has been shuffled */ current = queue.PositionToOrder(current_position); } const DetachedSong *const next_song = next_order >= 0 ? &queue.GetOrder(next_order) : nullptr; if (prev != nullptr && next_song != prev) { /* clear the currently queued song */ pc.LockCancel(); queued = -1; } if (next_order >= 0) { if (next_song != prev) QueueSongOrder(pc, next_order); else queued = next_order; } } void playlist::PlayOrder(PlayerControl &pc, unsigned order) { playing = true; queued = -1; const DetachedSong &song = queue.GetOrder(order); FormatDebug(playlist_domain, "play %u:\"%s\"", order, song.GetURI()); current = order; pc.Play(std::make_unique(song)); SongStarted(); } void playlist::SyncWithPlayer(PlayerControl &pc) { if (!playing) /* this event has reached us out of sync: we aren't playing anymore; ignore the event */ return; const auto i = pc.LockGetSyncInfo(); if (i.state == PlayerState::STOP) /* the player thread has stopped: check if playback should be restarted with the next song. That can happen if the playlist isn't filling the queue fast enough */ ResumePlayback(pc); else { /* check if the player thread has already started playing the queued song */ if (!i.has_next_song && queued != -1) QueuedSongStarted(pc); /* make sure the queued song is always set (if possible) */ if (!pc.LockGetSyncInfo().has_next_song && queued < 0) UpdateQueuedSong(pc, nullptr); } } inline void playlist::ResumePlayback(PlayerControl &pc) { assert(playing); assert(pc.GetState() == PlayerState::STOP); const auto error = pc.GetErrorType(); if (error == PlayerError::NONE) error_count = 0; else ++error_count; if ((stop_on_error && error != PlayerError::NONE) || error == PlayerError::OUTPUT || error_count >= queue.GetLength()) /* too many errors, or critical error: stop playback */ Stop(pc); else /* continue playback at the next song */ try { PlayNext(pc); } catch (...) { /* TODO: log error? */ } } void playlist::SetRepeat(PlayerControl &pc, bool status) { if (status == queue.repeat) return; queue.repeat = status; pc.LockSetBorderPause(queue.single != SingleMode::OFF && !queue.repeat); /* if the last song is currently being played, the "next song" might change when repeat mode is toggled */ UpdateQueuedSong(pc, GetQueuedSong()); listener.OnQueueOptionsChanged(); } static void playlist_order(playlist &playlist) { if (playlist.current >= 0) /* update playlist.current, order==position now */ playlist.current = playlist.queue.OrderToPosition(playlist.current); playlist.queue.RestoreOrder(); } void playlist::SetSingle(PlayerControl &pc, SingleMode status) { if (status == queue.single) return; queue.single = status; pc.LockSetBorderPause(queue.single != SingleMode::OFF && !queue.repeat); /* if the last song is currently being played, the "next song" might change when single mode is toggled */ UpdateQueuedSong(pc, GetQueuedSong()); listener.OnQueueOptionsChanged(); } void playlist::SetConsume(bool status) { if (status == queue.consume) return; queue.consume = status; listener.OnQueueOptionsChanged(); } void playlist::SetRandom(PlayerControl &pc, bool status) { if (status == queue.random) return; const DetachedSong *const queued_song = GetQueuedSong(); queue.random = status; if (queue.random) { /* shuffle the queue order, but preserve current */ const int current_position = playing ? GetCurrentPosition() : -1; queue.ShuffleOrder(); if (current_position >= 0) { /* make sure the current song is the first in the order list, so the whole rest of the playlist is played after that */ unsigned current_order = queue.PositionToOrder(current_position); current = queue.MoveOrder(current_order, 0); } else current = -1; } else playlist_order(*this); UpdateQueuedSong(pc, queued_song); listener.OnQueueOptionsChanged(); } int playlist::GetCurrentPosition() const noexcept { return current >= 0 ? queue.OrderToPosition(current) : -1; } int playlist::GetNextPosition() const noexcept { if (current < 0) return -1; if (queue.single != SingleMode::OFF && queue.repeat) return queue.OrderToPosition(current); else if (queue.IsValidOrder(current + 1)) return queue.OrderToPosition(current + 1); else if (queue.repeat) return queue.OrderToPosition(0); return -1; } void playlist::BorderPause(PlayerControl &pc) { if (queue.single == SingleMode::ONE_SHOT) { queue.single = SingleMode::OFF; pc.LockSetBorderPause(false); listener.OnQueueOptionsChanged(); } }