import os.path, subprocess, sys from build.project import Project def make_cross_file(toolchain): if toolchain.is_windows: system = 'windows' windres = "windres = '%s'" % toolchain.windres else: system = 'linux' windres = '' if toolchain.is_arm: cpu_family = 'arm' if toolchain.is_armv7: cpu = 'armv7' else: cpu = 'armv6' elif toolchain.is_aarch64: cpu_family = 'aarch64' cpu = 'arm64-v8a' else: cpu_family = 'x86' if 'x86_64' in toolchain.arch: cpu = 'x86_64' else: cpu = 'i686' # TODO: support more CPUs endian = 'little' # TODO: write pkg-config wrapper path = os.path.join(toolchain.build_path, 'meson.cross') os.makedirs(toolchain.build_path, exist_ok=True) with open(path, 'w') as f: f.write(""" [binaries] c = '%s' cpp = '%s' ar = '%s' strip = '%s' pkgconfig = '%s' %s [properties] root = '%s' c_args = %s c_link_args = %s cpp_args = %s cpp_link_args = %s # Keep Meson from executing Android-x86 test binariees needs_exe_wrapper = true [host_machine] system = '%s' cpu_family = '%s' cpu = '%s' endian = '%s' """ % (, toolchain.cxx,, toolchain.strip, toolchain.pkg_config, windres, toolchain.install_prefix, repr((toolchain.cppflags + ' ' + toolchain.cflags).split()), repr(toolchain.ldflags.split() + toolchain.libs.split()), repr((toolchain.cppflags + ' ' + toolchain.cxxflags).split()), repr(toolchain.ldflags.split() + toolchain.libs.split()), system, cpu_family, cpu, endian)) return path def configure(toolchain, src, build, args=()): cross_file = make_cross_file(toolchain) configure = [ 'meson', src, build, '--prefix', toolchain.install_prefix, # this is necessary because Meson uses Debian's build machine # MultiArch path (e.g. "lib/x86_64-linux-gnu") for cross # builds, which is obviously wrong '--libdir', 'lib', '--buildtype', 'plain', '--default-library=static', '--cross-file', cross_file, ] + args env = toolchain.env.copy() # Meson 0.54 requires the BOOST_ROOT environment variable env['BOOST_ROOT'] = toolchain.install_prefix subprocess.check_call(configure, env=env) class MesonProject(Project): def __init__(self, url, md5, installed, configure_args=[], **kwargs): Project.__init__(self, url, md5, installed, **kwargs) self.configure_args = configure_args def configure(self, toolchain): src = self.unpack(toolchain) build = self.make_build_path(toolchain) configure(toolchain, src, build, self.configure_args) return build def build(self, toolchain): build = self.configure(toolchain) subprocess.check_call(['ninja', 'install'], cwd=build, env=toolchain.env)