const N_DOTS = 200 // Helper to generate random IDs such that we can easily // refer to each node function getRandomId(prefix) { return `${prefix}-${Math.round( * Math.random())}` } // Random coordinates bounded // by the size of the page function getRandomCoords( width = window.innerWidth, height = window.innerHeight ) { return { cy: Math.random() * height, cx: Math.random() * width } } // iterate over a list of ids, // query the DOM for the node, // compute a random position, // and then set it on the node function setRandomCoords(ids) { for (let id of ids) { let circle = document.getElementById(id) let coords = getRandomCoords() = = } } window.onload = function() { // Get our root node let rootNode = document.getElementById('root') let circles = '' let ids = [] for (let i = 0; i < N_DOTS; i++) { let id = getRandomId('circle') circles += ids.push(id) } // we don't need an id on this template, // so we pass undefined which forces the // "default" value defined in the function rootNode.innerHTML = Templates.svg(undefined, circles) setRandomCoords(ids) document.onmousemove = function(event) { setRandomCoords(ids) } }